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TransModeler Traffic Simulation Software

TransCAD Transportation Planning Software

With TransCAD, you can create high-quality map output using dozens of thematic mapping styles and options, unlimited colors, and fully-scalable line styles and TrueType map symbols. With a few clicks of the mouse, MapWizard® automatic mapping technology helps you create color and pattern coded maps, dot-density maps, scaled-symbol maps, and maps with integrated pie charts and bar charts. TransCAD also provides specialized mapping functions for transportation applications:

  • Automatic display of one-way streets
  • Dynamic map labeling that adjusts to the scale of the map
  • Built-in highway shields that result in maps of publication quality
  • Route system maps that show overlapping routes side-by-side for greater visibility
  • Desire line maps that show region-to-region flows

Additional tools let you visualize data that cannot be displayed using a conventional GIS:

  • Intersection diagrams that illustrate flows and turning movements
  • Strip charts that depict facility characteristics and their variation along a route
  • Interactive tools for editing geographic features and for defining turn restrictions and delays
TransCAD map with color theme of household vehicles and chart theme of mode to work

Create color, pattern, chart, dot-density, and scaled-symbol thematic maps

TransCAD map with bivariate theme of single- and high-occupancy vehicle flow

Create multi-variable scaled-symbol themes on links

TransCAD map with one-way streets and highway shields

Display one-way streets and use dozens of line styles and highway shields

TransCAD map with desire lines showing domestic truck flow to/from St. Louis FAF region

Use desire lines to illustrate O-D flows, commodity flows, and other matrix data

TransCAD route system map of bus routes in Santa Barbara, CA

Display transit routes side-by-side over the links that they traverse

TransCAD intersection diagram

Show turning movement data with intersection diagrams

TransCAD temporal heat map showing times and locations of slowdowns

Visualize temporal speeds along a corridor

TransCAD intersection diagram

Create heat maps to identify hot spots and underserved locations 

Tables: You can see the data associated with map features in tabular form. See data for a single feature, or display data for an entire layer in a dataview. You can use dataviews to add and delete records, filter records, edit values, create formula fields, or compute statistics.

Output: Page layout tools help you design and create presentations that combine the results of your analyses into a single powerful display. You can print your maps and layouts on any printer or plotter, or save them to vector or raster formats.