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Census Differential Privacy Exploration: Urban and Rural

The second map in our differential privacy impact series, highlights the shift in population from urban to rural census blocks at the Congressional district level.

For example, in the Colorado Third District, the population reported in rural Census blocks would have increased by 6,991 people with differential privacy.

Differential privacy adds significant noise to the 100% sample block population counts. For 2010, this would have shifted 826,661 people nationwide from urban to rural blocks—more than the population of most Congressional districts.

Additional differential privacy maps can be found here.

Census Differential Privacy Exploration: Urban and Rural

The second map in our differential privacy impact series, highlights the shift in population from urban to rural census blocks at the Congressional district level.

For example, in the Colorado Third District, the population reported in rural Census blocks would have increased by 6,991 people with differential privacy.

Differential privacy adds significant noise to the 100% sample block population counts. For 2010, this would have shifted 826,661 people nationwide from urban to rural blocks—more than the population of most Congressional districts.

Additional differential privacy maps can be found here.