Including District
from other in your current can be done as follows:- Create a new directory where you are storing your plans called “District CDFs” (If you already have this directory, skip to step 2).
- Close any open plans using Redistricting>Close Plan, and any other open windows using File>Close All.
- Open the plan whose District layer you want to use in another plan.
- Change the working layer to Districts. This can be done by picking Districts from the drop-down list in the toolbar at the top of the window.
- Choose File>Export>Geography to display the Export dialog box. Export All Features to a Compact Geographic File, and click OK.
- In the Save As dialog box, choose to save the file to the District CDFs directory you created in step 1, and type a name for the new file. This name can be the same as your plan, if you wish.
- Once the export has finished, close your plan with Redistricting>Close Plan.
- Open the new geographic file you created using File>Open and changing Files of type to Geographic layer (*.dbd, *.cdf).
- Click
to display the Layers dialog box.
- Highlight your new layer, called Districts, in the scroll list.
- Click the Rename button. Type in a new name for the layer (it is recommended the new name be the same as the name of the geographic file) and check the Change Permanently box.
- Click OK.
** Please note that you will need to repeat the procedure above if you make changes to any of the
that you exported to a Compact Geographic File.Click here to view a video tutorial of including the Districts layer as a reference in another .