Download, Install and Activation


We make it as easy as possible to download and install our software, but its an unfortunate truth of the industry that antivirus and firewalls can cause problems when getting started with any software installation. You can find articles here that go over the typical installation process, as well as covering the common issues you may encounter and how to troubleshoot.

Downloading the software is the first step to getting started with Maptitude for Redistricting. Articles on this page will cover download-specific issues such as receiving the download email, expired download links, or issues with the Download itself:

Download Help

Once you have the software downloaded the installation process should start automatically, but can run into issues with firewalls, installation privileges or corrupted files due to antivirus:

Install Help

After installing the software, Maptitude for Redistricting should be automatically activated by running the Activation Wizard, but can run into issues if the software is already activated, or if a firewall prevents a connection to our servers:

Activation Help

or if you are unsure which part of the process you are having issues with you can check out all our articles on the issue here:

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