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Working with Map Styles in Maptitude for Redistricting

Modifying the style of point, line, and area features

Customizing a Maptitude for Redistricting Map Legend

How to customize a Mapttiude for Redistricting legend

Demonstration of Maptitude for Redistricting

Demonstration of Maptitude for Redistricting

Locating Your Incumbents

How to map incumbents

How can I customize District Layouts?

How to customize a district layout

Working with Maptitude for Redistricting Selection Sets (Filters)

Using the selection tools, selecting features by location or condition, combining selection sets, and computing statistics

Using Other Geographic File Formats in Maptitude for Redistricting

Using files stored in other geographic file formats (e.g., Esri Shapefile, Google Earth KMZ file) in Maptitude for Redistricting

Adding a Plan Library

Adding a plan library

Using the Maptitude for Redistricting Display Manager

How to change the contents, styles, and labels in a map with the Display Manager

Moving Around a Maptitude for Redistricting Map

How to zoom in and out on a map, pan a map, use the map locator, and find a particular location on a map

NCSL Technology webinar featuring Maptitude for Redistricting

NCSL Technology webinar featuring Maptitude for Redistricting

Attaching Data to a Layer

How to permanently attach data to a layer in Maptitude for Redistricting

Plan Security

How to secure a Maptitude for Redistricting plan library and specify which users have editing and viewing rights to each plan

Using a Custom Hierarchy

How to use your own geography and a custom hierarchy to create a plan in Maptitude for Redistricting

Importing a Plan Using an Area Layer

Importing a Plan Using an Area Layer

Importing a Plan Using an Equivalency File

Importing a Plan Using an Equivalency File

Creating a New Redistricting Plan from a Map

Create a new redistricting plan from a map

Merging Sub-Plans

How to merge sub-plans for different geographic areas into a master plan in Maptitude for Redistricting

Exporting to an Equivalency File

How to export a redistricting plan to an equivalency file in Maptitude for Redistricting

Disaggregating and Aggregating Data from a Map Layer

How to disaggregate and aggregate data from a geographic file in Maptitude for Redistricting | 2:17 minutes Click here for information about comparing election and voter registration data from different elections.

Disaggregating and Aggregating Data from a Table

How to disaggregate and aggregate data from a table in Maptitude for Redistricting | 2:16 minutes Click here for information about comparing election and voter registration data from different elections.

Grouping Reports into Report Sets

How to group reports together into report sets and how to modify report sets in Maptitude for Redistricting

Exporting a District Layer

How to export a Maptitude for Redistricting district layer and modify it for use in another plan