Maptitude for Redistricting contains a
If the data are in a geographic / Wizard that takes care of all data and aggregation, even if the data are based on inconsistent geography. The wizard the data down to the census block level. It then the data up to all valid levels that you select such as tract, county and place. These levels correspond to layers in the map. , the can be in any format that Maptitude for Redistricting supports including Maptitude cdf and dbd, Esri Shapefile or File Geodatabase, and MapInfo Tab. The option should be used only when the geography of the data being added does not match one of the geographic in the map (e.g., precinct data from 10 years ago when the precinct boundaries were completely different). Disaggregating and Aggregating Data from a Map Layer- Start Maptitude for Redistricting.
- Click Open.
- Choose a map that contains all of the layers in the hierarchy; click Open.
- Click
- Click Add Layer.
- Browse for the file that contains your election boundaries and results, changing files of type as needed.
- Click Open.
- Close map layers.
- Choose Redistricting>Plan Utilities>Disaggregate/Aggregate…
- Choose the Layer option.
- Choose the layer that you added.
- Click Next.
- Uncheck fields you do not want to include.
- Choose a weighting field for each field.
- Click Next.
- Uncheck any layers for which you do not want to aggregate data.
- Click Finish.
- Right-click on a layer and choose New dataview.
- Scroll to the right side of the dataview to see the appended data.