Maptitude for Redistricting 2021 Release Notes

As we improve the Maptitude for Redistricting software, new “builds” of the software are released with incremental improvements. You can see which build of the software you are using by going to Help>About… from the main toolbar.

If you have Maptitude for Redistricting 2021, you can get the latest version of Maptitude for Redistricting 2021 by going to Help>Check for Updates and clicking on the link:

Below are the release notes for different builds of Maptitude for Redistricting:

Build Number Ship Date Release Note
4935 7/22/2021 Initial Release
Enhancements to the Redistricting Toolbox, including automatically updating the selection layer drop-down to include area layers added to the plan after initial creation
Usability Improvements to Disaggregation/Aggregation wizard including filtering and handling 2020 census geography
Added ability to specify Majority-Minority districts and check that they comply with minimum target values
Usability improvements for Plan Manager including automatically adding plan libraries when new data are installed
Usability enhancements to Plan Settings dialog
Enhancements to Themes tool in Redistricting toolbox including the ability to save themes to a file, load themes from a file, and use different theme files for each plan
Added a Majority-Minority report and Ensembles report
Added a plan integrity tool to check to see if incumbents have been moved out of their district
Extended capabilities of Communities of Interest tool to use user-supplied layers of communities
Added ability to Print Map Book to a series of PDFs or a single continuous PDF document
Enhanced automatic district layouts to include District Long Names
Ability to automatically label district boundaries with street names
4940 8/9/2021 Extended the capabilities of the Plan Manager including improved ability to add and manage libraries with identical names
Enhanced the Communities of Interest tool to allow GEOJSON files to be used as a community layer
Usability enhancements to the Select by Rectangle tool in the Redistricting Toolbox
Usability improvements to Plan Settings including a warning message when adding all the summary fields to a plan
Improved the ability to handle maps that include layers with identical names
Usability improvements to the Autodistrict tool
4945 8/16/2021 Improvements to file browsing including opening the most recent library location when creating a new plan
Enhancements to the Create a New Plan Wizard to streamline the plan creation process
Usability improvements to the Travel Contiguity tool
Usability enhancements to several reports including improved support for Block-VTD-MCD-County hierarchies when running the Error Check report
4950 8/21/2021 Enhancements to the Compare Two Plans tool including better support for copied plans
Added the capability to see the exact time and date a plan was created and last modified in the Plan Manager
Usability improvements to the Plan Manager including listing the file path of the current library in the Plans tab
Usability enhancements to Summary Fields under Plan Settings
4955 9/14/2021 Improved the stability of the Maptitude Download Manager
Usability enhancements to the Plan Manager including removing duplicate library entries and improved behavior of the move up and move down buttons
Usability improvements to the label district boundary tool
Extended the capability to specify and handle multi-member districts in a plan
Improved the unassigned area check and non-contiguous area check to highlight all the areas that are unassigned and non-contiguous
Usability enhancements to the Redistricting Toolbox including a warning when users close a plan with an unsaved selection
Usability improvements to the Autodistrict Refinement tool
4960 9/21/2021 Added the capability to find political subdivision splits under Plan Integrity tools
Usability enhancements to the plan creation process, including improved sorting behavior of Summary Fields and improved handling of multimember district counts
Usability improvements to user-created Field Sets
4965 11/8/2021 Usability improvements to the Redistricting toolbox including increased selection speed and better behavior when selecting Census Blocks using the City/Town layer
Usability enhancements to the Community of Interest tool when using the Selection toolbar to define communities
Added the capability for Map Books to show District Long Names
Improved the multi-member Population Summary report to allow additional summary fields to be included
Usability enhancements to the Label District Boundary tool
4970 1/4/2022 Added the Minority Voting Age Population report, which highlights the number and percentage of minorities among the voting age population of each district
Usability enhancements to the plan creation process, including improved handling of CSV equivalency files
Improved the handling of plans with a Block-only hierarchy in the plan components report
Usability improvements to the population summary reports and automatic district layouts
Usability enhancements to the Plan Publisher add-in