Tag: Tutorials

Tutorials Archives - Redistricting Learning Portal


How Can I Display the Plan Components Report With Shortened Tract Or Block Numbers?

Using shortened block or tract numbers in the Plan Components Report is very easy. All you have to do is create a formula field (which you call Name) that contains the information you want displayed. For example, to show the block group and block number of a block (the last 6 digits of the 15-16 …

How Can I Display the Plan Components Report With Shortened Tract Or Block Numbers? Read More »

How Can I Create Labels That Span Multiple Lines? (Multi-line Labels)

Formulas can be used to make labels with multiple lines like in the following example: There are a few things to remember when creating multiple line labels: Any text strings should be contained in quotes. In the example above, the words “Tot. Pop.: ” are in quotes. All numeric values should be converted to text …

How Can I Create Labels That Span Multiple Lines? (Multi-line Labels) Read More »