Did You Know?

On this page, you will find quick, helpful, one-sentence tips that can aid in your utilization of the Maptitude software. These are intended to make you aware of a previously unknown feature of the software or provide a more efficient method for a common feature.


How Do I Show Multiple Data Fields as Labels?

You can show more than one data field as labels with data mapping software. Step-by-step guide on adding more than one data field as a label.

What do I do if a map or process takes a long time to load?

A discussion of why maps can load or draw slowly, and some best practices to avoid this and speed up your maps.

How to Perform a Site Location: Amazon HQ2 Location Case Study

You can perform a site location analysis using Maptitude logistics mapping software. A case study for selecting a suitable site for a new Amazon headquarters using the Maptitude Software.

Open .an1 files in Maptitude

How to open an .an1 file in Maptitude using the File>Open and setting the file type to GPS Data.

How Do I Open Maps of the New U.S. Demographics in Maptitude?

You can create maps with the new US demographics with Maptitude demographic mapping software. Step-by-step tutorial on opening maps with new demographic data.

How do I create large drive-time rings?

How to use different street layers to speed up routing calculations in Maptitude

How Do I Create a Multiple Symbol Theme or Pattern Theme

You can create a multiple symbol theme or pattern theme using Maptitude thematic mapping software. Step-by-step tutorial on creating multiple symbol themes and pattern themes.

Using image fill styles

How to use image fill styles for areas

Counts of locations by regular grid cells

How to get counts of locations by regular grid cells

Create custom fields such as “Millennials” using Sum Fields

How to create custom fields such as “Millennials” using Sum Fields

Using company logos for point icons

How to use company logos for point icons

Identifying high growth areas

How to identify high growth areas

How do I contact the Maptitude team to request or purchase GIS consulting services?

How to contact the Maptitude team to request or purchase GIS consulting services.

How to Add Country Labels in Different Languages

How to Add Country Labels in Different Languages

Creating a Map with Wide White Streets

How to change the displayed style for streets to be wide white lines.

Translating Menus

You can translate the Maptitude menus into different languages using the translate menu add-ins on the Maptitude GISDK add-ins page.

Copy and Paste Drawing Items Between Maps

You can right-click on one or more drawing items in a map and choose Copy, then go to any other open map and right-click and choose Paste to copy the items to the same location on that map.

Save Maps to PDF

Maptitude makes it easy to save a map into a PDF format. Simply, choose File>Export>PDF and your default PDF printer driver is used to create a PDF that is automatically oriented portrait or landscape.

Changing the cursor back to the pointer arrow

You can change the mouse cursor back to the pointer arrow when, for example, you have chosen another tool such as the Info tool. Simply choose the Pointer button on the Drawing toolbar.

Add the US Topo Imagery Layer

You can use the Map>Imagery>USGS Topographic Maps command to add a topographic relief map to the background of your maps.

Change the size of all labels in the map

Press Ctrl+ on your keyboard to make all labels and point symbols larger and all lines and area borders wider, or press Ctrl- to make them smaller. Press Ctrl 0 to reset the sizes to the default.

Search for a value or a field in a Dataview

You can search for a specific value in a Dataview by clicking the Find button, choosing the field that the value is contained in from the Field drop down list, typing in the value into the Value box, and clicking OK.

If you only want to locate an entire field, pick your field from the Field drop-down, leave the Value box blank, and click OK.

How Do I Show My Territory Data as Labels?

You can show your territory data as labels with Maptitude sales territory mapping software. Step-by-step guide on showing territory data as labels.

Use masks to hide features in a map

The Maptitude Country Packages are all nationwide in scope, but sometimes you may want to restrict your map to show just a particular region. You can create masks that hide features outside of your area of interest. Simply use the selection tools to select the area you want to display (e.g., a state, county, or cluster of postal codes) and choose Tools>Reports>Mask to display the Create a Mask dialog box, choose the type of mask, and click OK.

Create Animated GIFs

You can export your maps as Animated GIFs to show change over time. Go to File>Share>Animated GIF and add each frame individually to the GIF before you save.

Restore Column Order in a Dataview

If you have used the Show/Hide Fields tool in a dataview and want to revert back to the defaults, you can show all columns in a dataview in their original order by right-clicking on a cell or column heading and choosing Show All.

Highlighting Entire Columns in Dataviews

With an item in a column selected in a dataview, you can highlight the entire column by pressing Ctrl+Space on your keyboard.

Selecting Freehand Items

You can select freehand items by clicking with the right mouse button.  When you do, Maptitude displays a context-sensitive menu for working with the selected item(s).

Edit Point Symbols Using the Ctrl Key

Press Ctrl+ on your keyboard to make all point symbols and labels larger and all lines and area borders wider, or press Ctrl- to make them smaller. Press Ctrl 0 to reset the sizes to the default.

Import Esri Shapefiles into Maptitude

You can import Esri Shapefiles into a Caliper geographic format file.

See or Modify Predefined Feature Settings

Most of the geographic files included with Maptitude use feature display settings to display classes of features. Use the Feature Display Settings dialog box (Tools>Editing>Feature Display) or the Display Manager to see or modify the predefined feature settings.

Change the Style of your Selection Set

To change the style of the active selection set, click the Change the style for this selection set button  on the Selection toolbar.

See the Points on your Map Clearly

When creating a thematic map, if your points are clustered close together, you may want to set the style of the layer to be less than 100% Opacity so that overlapping symbols are clearer.

Delete Selection Sets

You can delete a selection set by right-clicking on a selection set in the Display Manager and choosing Remove.

Rename Your Selection Sets

You can display the Rename Selection Set dialog box by right-clicking on a selection set in the Display Manager and choosing Rename.

Filtering a Field List

You can filter a list of Fields by clicking on the drop-down list and typing several letters. Only fields containing the text you enter will display in the drop-down list.

How Do I Import MapPoint Territories from an Excel Table

You can convert MapPoint Territories to an Excel Table with Maptitude, an alternative to MapPoint. Tip on how to import MapPoint territories as an Excel table.

Quickly Open Recently Used Workspaces

You can quickly open recently used workspaces by choosing File>Recent Files and choosing the map from the submenu.

Saving and Loading Themes

You can save Pattern and Color Themes to a settings file to use in other maps or on other layers with the same fields. In the Theme Wizard go to Save and either create a new Settings file or save to an existing one.

Edit Animated GIF Files

Animated GIFs often look best when the images are all the same size. Use the Windows>Cascade command or maximize separate windows to make different windows the same size.

Zoom to a Bookmarked Location

You can create Bookmarks on your map to save locations that you frequently zoom to on the map. Go to Map>Zoom>Bookmarks >Create to make a bookmark and Map>Zoom>Bookmarks>Go To to select a bookmark to zoom to. 

Editing Layout Items

The ratio of width to height is not fixed for rectangle and circle freehand items. Hold the Shift key while resizing these items if you want to keep the aspect ratio.

Using your Mouse’s Scroll Wheel to Navigate Maptitude

If your mouse has a scroll wheel you can zoom in by rolling the scroll wheel away from you, zoom out by rolling the scroll wheel toward you, and pan by holding the scroll wheel down and dragging the map to a new location.

Locate Records With and Without Addresses

Choose the Locate records in your file by Address, ZIP Code or City option to have Maptitude try several options if your data contains a mixture of records with addresses and no addresses.

Exporting Demographic Overlay Data to Excel

You can export demographic overlay data and other information to Excel by choosing the layer to export, making it the working layer, and clicking the Export to Excel button on the Standard toolbar.

Adding Navigation Tools and Running Totals to the Selection Toolbar

You can add tools to let you navigate through selection sets or keep running totals for a certain field of a selection set by clicking Options in the Selection Toolbar and checking the appropriate boxes.

Create New Layers from Address Information

Use the Locate commands found by following Tools>Locate if you want to create a new layer from address information contained in your data.

Clearing Cells

You can clear cells by right-clicking on a highlighted range of cells and choosing Clear.

Creating a New Blank Field for Data

If you want to create a new blank field to fill with data, modify the underlying table using Dataview>Table>Modify.  Then, click Add Field and set up the field as you need.

Copy and Paste Cell Values

You can use the copy shortcut (Ctrl+C) to copy cell values and the paste shortcut (Ctrl-V) to edit cell values with data that has been copied.  You can paste these cell values into another dataview or into Microsoft Excel.

Writing Formula Fields

If a field name contains spaces or other special characters or starts with a digit, you must put square brackets around it. For example a field called “Age <5"  will need to be "[Age <5]" in your formula. Fields that require brackets will automatically display with them in the Formula Builder Field List.

Picking a Base Layer for Territories

When creating Territories, you will need to choose the smallest geographic areas that will be represented in your territories for the Geography Layer.

Export Data to Excel

You can export demographic overlay data and other information to Excel by choosing the layer to export, making it the working layer, and clicking the Export to Excel button  on the Standard toolbar.

Converting Points to a Line

You can connect various points on a map using the Point to Line Conversion tool under Tools>Editing>Point to Line Conversion.  Combine this with GPS to track vehicle routes.

Hide and Show Layers

You can hide and show layers with the Display Manager by clicking on the green check or red cross next to the layer.

Move a Label Without Snapping

When you move a label with the Customize Labels tool it will snap to align with other moved labels. Press the Space Bar while moving a label to turn off this behavior.

Change the Default Style of the Drawing Tools

You can change the default style used by the drawing tools by choosing Edit>Preferences and clicking the polygon, line, or point sample buttons on the Freehand/Layout tab.


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