How Can I Create Worldwide Territories?

You can create worldwide territories using sales territory mapping software.

Maptitude comes with a specially formatted World Province map that was put together to run optimally with the Territory Tool, making international territory creation much easier.

An area file with population counts by sub-national boundaries is now downloadable for free to users of
the latest version of Maptitude. A PDF guide is installed with the data and includes information on the map layer as well as tips for analyzing and using the data.

How Can I Create Worldwide Territories? Map of South America Territories.
Map of South America Territories.

Opening the Territory Wizard World Map

Country packages will come installed with a map called Territory Wizard World Map, which includes the necessary layer. This can be accessed through the Demographic Map Librarian:

  1. From the Home Window, choose New demographic map
    • If you are starting from an existing workspace, go to Map>Demographic Map Librarian…
  2. In the Choose a Map Library dropdown, choose a Library (e.g. USA Map Library 202X)
  3. For Choose a Map Category, choose Overview Maps
  4. For Choose the Map(s) You Want, choose Territory Wizard World Map
  5. If you have a Bookmark, saved you can use that, or highlight Other Location and click OK
  6. Pick an area of the world to start the mapping in (e.g. highlight World Country and type Mexico, then click OK)

This will open a new map that we can use to build our world territories


Adding the World Province Layer to the Map

  1. Choose Map>Layers, and click Add Layer in the Layers dialog box
  2. Browse for the folder where the downloaded data are located (e.g., C:\ccdata\Caliper World Province Boundaries 202X).
  3. Choose the layer from this folder and click Open in the File Open dialog box.
  4. Maptitude adds the layer to the map. Close the layers dialog box to see the layer on the map.
    Note, you may have to zoom in or turn off autoscaling if your map scale is outside of the
    autoscale settings for the layer you chose. You can turn off autoscaling in the Display
    Manager by right-clicking on a layer and choosing Show Layer or by clicking the red
    magnifying glass icon next to the layer

Building Territories Interactively

Now we have the correct map open, we can start building our territories. 

  1. Go to Map>New Territory Layer
  2. Make sure Interactively from areas in a map is checked and click Next>
  3. Make sure the Geography Layer says “World Land Mass” and the Geography Field says “[Admin-1 Code]”

  4. Click Next>
  5. Click Next>
  6. Add any fields that contain data you want to track
  7. Click Finish

This will create a blank territory layer that you can start building territories in using the Territory Manager. See this video for general help using the Territory Manager

You will be building territories from the World Land Mass Base layer. What each area in this layer represents will differ by country based on data availability. For some countries, the area in this layer will simply be the whole country. For larger countries and countries with more available data, each country has been divided. Some examples:

  • In the USA, each area is a State
  • In Canada, each area is a Province

You can group these areas up however you like in order to create worldwide territories. Be aware that if you are adding large areas at once the assignment may take a few minutes to process.

Adding a Whole Country at Once

For the most part, building world territories will be the same process as building any other territory map. However, there is one tip that is especially useful when building world territories as it allows you to add an entire country to a territory at once. To do this, you will just need to know the 2 digit ISO Code for the Country you would like to add. The full list of codes can be found on Wikipedia here – you will want to use the codes in the “ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Code” Column. For this example, we will be using “BR”, the 2-digit code for Brazil.

  1. Make the territory you would like to add to the Working Territory
  2. Click
  3. From the Field List dropdown, choose [ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Code]
  4. Under Enter a Condition, type = “BR”
  5. Click OK
  6. Click to save the changes


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