When will the 2021 UK Census Data be Released?

The 2021 UK Census data can be accessed using demographic mapping software.

Maptitude 2024 includes 2021 Census data for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland and 2022 Census data for Ireland.

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) have released the 2021 UK Census data in 2023. You can read more about the ONS timeline on the ONS official website.

Northern Ireland is on the same schedule as England and Wales, so the first results for Census 2021 statistics were scheduled for release on May 24th 2022. Other main Census 2021 statistics were released in stages up to summer 2023. For more information, please see the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency’s official website.

The Central Statistics Office have released the 2022 Census data for Ireland during 2023. You can read more about the Central Statistics Office’s publication schedule on the CSO official website.

Scotland is conducting their Census in 2022, so results will only start to be released in 2023. For more information, please see the official website for Scotland’s Census.

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