See the Points on your Map Clearly
When creating a thematic map, if your points are clustered close together, you may want to set the style of the layer to be less than 100% Opacity so that overlapping symbols are clearer.
When creating a thematic map, if your points are clustered close together, you may want to set the style of the layer to be less than 100% Opacity so that overlapping symbols are clearer.
You can delete a selection set by right-clicking on a selection set in the Display Manager and choosing Remove.
You can display the Rename Selection Set dialog box by right-clicking on a selection set in the Display Manager and choosing Rename.
You can filter a list of Fields by clicking on the drop-down list and typing several letters. Only fields containing the text you enter will display in the drop-down list.
You can convert MapPoint Territories to an Excel Table with Maptitude, an alternative to MapPoint. Tip on how to import MapPoint territories as an Excel table.
You can quickly open recently used workspaces by choosing File>Recent Files and choosing the map from the submenu.
You can save Pattern and Color Themes to a settings file to use in other maps or on other layers with the same fields. In the Theme Wizard go to Save and either create a new Settings file or save to an existing one.
Animated GIFs often look best when the images are all the same size. Use the Windows>Cascade command or maximize separate windows to make different windows the same size.
You can create Bookmarks on your map to save locations that you frequently zoom to on the map. Go to Map>Zoom>Bookmarks >Create to make a bookmark and Map>Zoom>Bookmarks>Go To to select a bookmark to zoom to.
The ratio of width to height is not fixed for rectangle and circle freehand items. Hold the Shift key while resizing these items if you want to keep the aspect ratio.