Maptitude GISDK Help

Accessing COM Objects


Maptitude can access COM objects in several ways:

When Maptitude acts as an OLE/COM client, the COMObject variable type provides access to COM objects. You can create a new instance of the object, or you can get the currently active instance of the object:


GISDK Function



Creates a new instance of a COMObject


Gets the currently active instance of a COMObject


For example, you can create an instance of Microsoft Excel as follows:


excObj = CreateCOMObject("Excel.Application", )


To get and set properties of the COMObject, use dot notation:




For example:


wind = excObj.ActiveWindow

wind.Width = 250


You can also use this form:


excObj.ActiveWindow.Width = 250


For indexed properties or collections, use this form:




For example:


doc = excObj.Documents.Item[0]


You to use string indices inside square brackets on COM collections:


objConfig.Fields.Item[""] = 2


Use dot notation to call methods on the COMObject:




For example:




In the following example, the method returns a value of the appropriate type, or null if there is no return value:


pts = ExcObj.InchesToPoints(2.5)


Method arguments can be passed by reference where appropriate, using the & prefix, to get back the value of an out parameter, such as:


vms.GetFlow(5, &flow)


You can use these other COM-related GISDK functions:


GISDK Function



Closes the window containing the COM control


Creates a new COM control window


Gets the COM objects in a COM collection


Gets the COM interface of a COM control window


Gets the name of the COM interface for an object from the type library


For more information on COM control windows, see Windows.


You can also create COM controls in dialog boxes; for more information, see COM Control Items.



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