Maptitude GISDK Help |
The Connection class is used to connect to the GISDK environment, open maps and dataviews, execute GISDK functions and macros, create map images, and select geographic data. This class also includes methods for converting data types between the GISDK environment and the .NET environment.
This class also includes methods for converting data types between the GISDK environment and the .NET environment.
Here is an example of using this class in C#:
CaliperForm.Connection Conn = new
CaliperForm.Connection{ MappingServer = "Maptitude" };
Boolean opened = Conn.Open(log_file);
if (opened) {
dynamic dk = Conn.Gisdk;
dk.ShowMessage('Hello world!');
var tutorial_folder = dk.Macro('G30 Tutorial Folder') as string;
There are two methods that are used to connect to the GISDK environment and manage its status:
Method |
Description |
Open |
Opens a connection to a mapping server. Always call this method before using GISDK. |
Close |
Closes the connection to the GISDK mapping server object. Always call this method when done with the current connection. |
You create a connection with the New() operator, and then you call Open() to connect to the GISDK environment.
After the connection has been open, you can access GISDK functions and macros via the connection GISDK object, which is a dynamic object. The GISDK object lets you call any function directly, for example:
dynamic dk = Conn.Gisdk
var layer_name = dk.GetLayer() as string;
var program_info = dk.GetProgram() as System.Array;
You can also execute macros defined in the default gis_ui library shipped with your product:
var tutorial_folder = dk.Macro('G30 Tutorial Folder') as string;
With the GISDK you can also run macros defined in custom compiled modules. Let's say your other module has the macro named "Another Macro Name" and it is compiled to the file path/to/another_module.dbd:
Macro "Another Macro Name" (arg1,arg2)
In C#, first you get a handle of another GISDK object for this other module via:
dynamic dk = Conn.Gisdk;
other_module = dk.WithAlternateInterface("path/to/another_module.dbd")
then use your macro:
result = other_module.Macro("Another Macro Name",arg1,arg2)
In this way you can refer to two or more different compiled modules in your C# code.
GISDK classes can be accesed using the CreateObject() method of the GISDK object. The example below shows how to invoque the GISDK FInder Class and geocode find an address and obtain its latitude and longitude>
// Open the gisdk connection
var connection = new CaliperForm.Connection();
dynamic gisdk = connection.Gisdk;
// Prepare the options array with the address to be geocode
var options = new OptionsArray();
options["address"] = "200 Beacon St";
options["city"] = "Boston, MA";
options["silent"] = "true";
// Geocode the address
var finder = gisdk.CreateObject("Data.Finder").SetRegion();
var result = finder.Find("ADDRESS", options);
// convert the results to an OptionsArray to get the coordinate property using a key
var results = new OptionsArray(result);
var coord = results["Coord"];
int lat =;
int lon = coord.lon;
The OptionsArray class can be used for handling arrays as GISDK options arrays. You can create an instance of this class in several ways:
Create an empty OptionsArray:
OptionsArray optionsArray = new OptionsArray();
Create an OptionsArray from an options array returned by a GISDK function:
dynamic[] optionsArrayData = dk.SomeGISDKFunction(); // Replace SomeGISDKFunction with the actual function name
optionsArray = new OptionsArray(optionsArrayData);
Create an OptionsArray from a .NET dictionary (keys must be strings):
Dictionary<string, object> dictionaryData = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "key1", value1 }, { "key2", value2 }, .... }; OptionsArray optionsArray = new OptionsArray(dictionaryData);
Create an OptionsArray from a .NET Hashtable (keys must be strings):
Hashtable hashtableData = new Hashtable { { "key1", value1 }, { "key2", value2 }, // Add more key-value pairs as needed }; OptionsArray optionsArray = new OptionsArray(hashtableData);
You can easily easily get and set option values using a string indexer.
dynamic this[string key] { set; get; }
Method |
Returns |
Description |
ToArray() | object[] | Obtain a regular array of arrays representing the options. |
ContainsKey(string key) | bool | Check if the OptionsArray contains the specified option (identified by the key). |
AddMultiElementOption(string key, params object[] values) | void | Add an option with several values under the specified key. |
ToDictionary() | Dictionary<string, object> | Get a .NET dictionary representing the options as keys and values. Note that it throws an InvalidOperationException if it contains any multi-element options. |
Property |
Returns |
Description |
Keys | ICollection<String> | Returns a list of all the option names |
Count | int | Returns the number of options |
With the GISDK you can also access GISDK classes defined in your custom compiled modules. Let's say you compiled a GISDK module that has the class MyClass, and it is compiled to the file path/to/my_gisdk_classes.dbd. The class has a method called Zoom to zoom the full extent of a selection set
// Open the gisdk connection
var connection = new CaliperForm.Connection();
dynamic gisdk = connection.Gisdk;
// Set the working layer to "County" and select all counties in Colorado
var set_name = gisdk.Macro("G30 create set", "CO Counties");
int n_selected = gisdk.SelectByQuery(set_name, "Several", "Select * where [State Abbrev] = 'CO' ");
// Invoke your class and exceute the Zoom method
dynamic altGisdk = gisdk.WithAlternateInterface("c:\\temp\\my_ui.dbd");
var myDKObject = altGisdk.CreateObject("MyClass", "County", set_name);
The enumeration CaliperForm.Style and the method GetStyle() of the Connection class allows you to access all of the built-in style objects that can be used as input arguments to the GISDK drawing functions.
All of the built-in style objects are stored in GISDK into arrays. For example, to access the first element of the Color array (white) and the first area fill style, use the following code:
Dim TextColor , AreaFillStyle as Object
TextColor = Gisdk.GetStyle(Style.Color, 1).
AreaFillStyle = Gisdk.GetStyle(Style.FillStyle, 1)
Here are the members of the Style enumeration:
Member |
Description |
Color |
Built-in colors |
LineStyle |
Built-in line styles |
FillStyle |
Built-in area fill styles |
ColorsPlay |
Built-in color sequences for themes |
FillsPlay |
Built-in area fill sequences for themes |
LinesPlay |
Built-in line style sequences for themes |
QuantileFills |
Built-in quantile fill style sequences for themes |
Please refer to Differences between VB.NET and C# for important considerations when handling GISDK objects in C# and VB.NET.
Class CaliperForm.GisdkRuntimeException (inherits from System.Exception)
If there is a macro error encountered when calling a function or macro then an exception of type GisdkRuntimeException will be thrown
Class CaliperForm.GisdkConnectionException (inherits from System.Exception)
If there is a problem communicating with mapt.exe via COM then an exception of type GisdkConnectionException will be thrown
To learn about performing tasks with the CaliperForm.Connection.Gisdk class, see the following C# specific examples:
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