How Do I Access FFIEC Data for Mapping?

Last Updated: March 8, 2024

You can access FFIEC data for your mapping work using banking compliance mapping software.

To utilize the FFIEC Census Tracts in your maps, you can use your license of Maptitude or request a free trial of Maptitude mapping software.

The only map in Maptitude that uses the FFIEC tract layer is the “FFIEC Tracts” map, while everything else uses the standard Census Tract layer. You can access this map using Map>Demographic Map Librarian or File>New Workspace>New Demographic Map.

Each FFIEC tract has an “Income level indicator” which will be one of the following:

0 — Not Available: if tract median family income = 0
1 — Low: if tract median family income is > 0% and < 50% of the MSA/MD median family income
2 — Moderate: if tract median family income is >= 50% and < 80% of the MSA/MD median family income
3 — Middle: if tract median family income is >= 80% and < 120% of the MSA/MD median family income
4 — Upper: if tract median family income is >= 120% of the MSA/MD median family income

After adding the FFIEC tracts to your map, you can visualize data from the FFIEC tract layer by following the tutorial video on creating thematic maps in Maptitude.


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