
Did You Know Archives - Page 3 of 6 - Maptitude Learning Portal

Did You Know

Maptitude Learning Portal articles in the Did You Know category

Search for a value or a field in a Dataview

You can search for a specific value in a Dataview by clicking the Find button, choosing the field that the value is contained in from the Field drop down list, typing in the value into the Value box, and clicking OK.

If you only want to locate an entire field, pick your field from the Field drop-down, leave the Value box blank, and click OK.

Use masks to hide features in a map

The Maptitude Country Packages are all nationwide in scope, but sometimes you may want to restrict your map to show just a particular region. You can create masks that hide features outside of your area of interest. Simply use the selection tools to select the area you want to display (e.g., a state, county, or cluster of postal codes) and choose Tools>Reports>Mask to display the Create a Mask dialog box, choose the type of mask, and click OK.

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