How Can I Delete My Freehand Drawings?
A discussion of how to get rid of Maptitude drawing items, such as arrows or cardinal directions.
Maptitude Learning Portal articles tagged with Drawing
A discussion of how to get rid of Maptitude drawing items, such as arrows or cardinal directions.
How to export a list of points contained in a custom area or radius
You can right-click on one or more drawing items in a map and choose Copy, then go to any other open map and right-click and choose Paste to copy the items to the same location on that map.
You can change the mouse cursor back to the pointer arrow when, for example, you have chosen another tool such as the Info tool. Simply choose the Pointer button on the Drawing toolbar.
You can find the central location for a set of locations or areas using Maptitude geographic analysis mapping software. Step-by-step tutorial on fidning the geographic center, mean center or weighted center for your layer.
Information on the difference between layer editing and using the drawing toolbar
You can select freehand items by clicking with the right mouse button. When you do, Maptitude displays a context-sensitive menu for working with the selected item(s).
The ratio of width to height is not fixed for rectangle and circle freehand items. Hold the Shift key while resizing these items if you want to keep the aspect ratio.
You can change the default style used by the drawing tools by choosing Edit>Preferences and clicking the polygon, line, or point sample buttons on the Freehand/Layout tab.