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When you write GISDK programs, they are stored in ordinary text files that are known as resource files. Resource files always have an extension of .rsc. Because Caliper Script is a compiled language, the programs you write must be compiled before they can be run. The program that compiles the resources is known as the resource compiler. The compiled resources are stored in a UI Database.
Here is a flowchart that shows the relationship between resources, the resource compiler, the UI Database, and the platform.
The resource compiler can compile a single resource file, or a group of files, at one time. To compile a group of files, you create a list file. A list file is a text file with an extension of .lst that contains the names of all the resource files in your GISDK application, one per line.
The resource compiler checks resource files as they are compiled for various types of errors, including errors in syntax, invalid statements, and mismatched do-end statements. If errors are detected, the resource compiler creates an error file listing each error and the line number at which it was detected. The error file has the same name as the resource file and an extension of .err, and is always placed in the same folder as the resource file itself.
The error file created by the resource compiler will list calls to GISDK functions that do not exist. It will also list calls to valid GISDK functions that have the wrong number of parameters. Optional parameters that are missing will not cause an error. If not corrected, these warnings will be reported as errors at run time.
GISDK includes several versions of the resource compiler. You can choose to compile resource files using:
For more information, see...
Compiling and Testing with the GISDK toolbar
Compiling with the Stand-Alone Resource Compiler
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