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Convert a customized image file into a map snapshot.
ConstructSnapshot(string map_name, string snapshot_name, scope image_scope, string path)
Argument |
Contents |
map_name |
Name of map to which the snapshot should be added |
snapshot_name |
Name for the new snapshot |
image_scope |
Scope represented by the image file |
path |
Full path and name of the image file used as the snapshot |
Snapshots allow you to save multiple map images and their associated scopes in a single map file and switch between them quickly.
ConstructSnapshot() lets you create a snapshot from a file that you have created or edited using a drawing or paint program.
For a full list of scope-related GISDK functions, see Map Scales and Scopes.
Error Type |
Meaning |
NotFound |
The specified map or image file does not exist |
Function |
Summary |
Stores a snapshot image of the map as currently displayed |
Displays a snapshot and sets the map scope to match |
Gets the scope and image file of a snapshot |
Gets a list of all snapshots associated with a map |
Removes a snapshot from a map and deletes its image file |
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