Maptitude GISDK Help |
GISDK function names are not case sensitive. The listing for each GISDK function contains the following sections:
Section |
Contents |
Summary |
A concise summary of the GISDK function |
Changes |
A description of how the function has changed in this version |
Syntax |
The syntax for using the GISDK function and a description of all arguments |
Return Value |
The type and contents of any values returned by the GISDK function |
Notes |
Information you need to make use of the GISDK function effectively |
Example |
Sample Caliper Script code that makes use of the GISDK function |
Error Codes |
A listing of errors that the GISDK function may signal |
See Also |
Cross-references to related GISDK functions that may be of interest |
Note that sections are omitted if they are not relevant. For example, the Return Value section is omitted for those GISDK functions that do not return a value.
Also note that the Changes sections only show more recent changes. Earlier changes have been removed, and most changes (such as adding a new function or adding an option to an existing function) will not affect compiling or running functions. Please contact Tech Support if you encounter problems with old code that is not compiling or running properly under the latest version.
Most examples can be copied and pasted into the Immediate Execution dialog box, which you display by clicking on the GISDK toolbar. For more information, see Compiling and Testing with the GISDK Toolbar. Some of these examples have comments about what you need to do before running the example. Other examples are just illustrative, using fictitious file names, such as C:\MYFIRST.WRKZ.
The following GISDK functions were added to Versions 2016 through 2024:
GISDK Function |
Summary |
Add layer to map after exporting it to MSSQL spatial database |
Add layer to current workspace after exporting it to MSSQL spatial database |
Creates an array that contains the elements of the array a that are also in array b |
Converts an options array to a proper JSON literal object |
Shortens a file's pathname to the listed length for purposes of display |
Creates an area or a line DBD database based on a TIN |
Deserializes an options array into a GISDK object |
Export multiple views to an ExcelX file. |
ExportMSSQL() | Export map data to MSSQL spatial database |
Set the display names for units, to be used in drop-down lists and legends |
Converts a relative pathname to an absolute pathname |
Gets a list of the available area measurement units |
Gets the current area measurement units |
Computes distances and statistics from each point in a set of origins to each point in a set of destinations |
Returns the area of the feature in current map units |
Returns the length of the feature in current map units |
Gets the field sets for a Standard Caliper Geographic file |
Gets the display and interpolation specifications of an image layer |
Gets the number of polygons in an area feature |
Generates a valid and unused file name with a given specification, but does not delete such files on shutdown |
Converts an absolute pathname to a relative pathname |
Imports features from one or more KML files into a geographic file |
Tests to see if the pathname is an absolute pathname |
Converts a proper JSON literal object to an options array |
Computes statistics for Moran's I, a measure of spatial autocorrelation |
Return an array of random samples of the given type of random distribution and parameters defined in the options array |
Searches for the path for a filename |
Serializes a GISDK object into an options array |
Sets the current area measurement units |
Selects links based on a set of nodes from its associated node layer. |
Selects records based on an SQL query that is stored in a file. |
Sets the Cancel button for the dialog box |
Sets the Default button for the dialog box |
Sets the field sets for a Standard Caliper Geographic file |
Sets the display and interpolation specifications of an image layer |
Produces a new point database where the points are all moved into or out of polygons in an area layer. |
Returns the input string with all occurrences of the characters listed in the find string replaced with the characters in the replacement string |
Creates an enhanced version of a standard Windows MessageBox |
The following GISDK Classes were added for 2020:
GISDK Class |
Summary |
Opens, joins and adds table(s) to a workspace. |
Opens and adds a layer to a workspace. |
Creates a table. |
Provides methods to modify a table. |
Creates charts and graphics |
Deselects an annotation |
Deselects all annotations |
Finds annotations near a coordinate |
Send mails |
Optimiize a route over mutliple stops points |
Handles the result of an optimized path |
Creates drive time and drive distance polygons |
The following GISDK functions were changed for Version 2016 through 2024:
GISDK Function |
Summary |
Adds an annotation to a map or layout window |
Deprecated in Maptitude 2023 |
Closes a toolbox or toolbar |
Creates a pie or bar chart theme on the current layer |
Creates a new, empty set on the current view |
Creates an empty table and opens it as a viewselectbynod |
Creates a new table containing the codes and values from an existing translation table |
Exports the contents of a view to a new table |
Creates a vector from a field in a view|set |
Creates vectors from fields in a view|set |
Gets a list of all layers in the system |
Gets information on layers in the system and the current layer |
Gets a list of the available map measurement units |
Gets the current map measurement units |
Gets a list of the available paper measurement units |
Gets the current paper measurement unit |
Returns the coordinate along a line at a given position |
Gets information about the program |
Gets information about a theme |
Starts a Windows program |
Loads an array from a file |
Opens a table from a file on disk and creates a view |
Saves an array to a file |
Selects all the records in the current view |
Removes all records from a selection set |
Selects records based on an SQL query |
Sets default menus, toolbars, and macros |
Set the display names for units, to be used in drop-down lists and legends |
Sets the current map measurement units |
Sets the current paper measurement unit |
Writes a value or sequence of numbers into a range of cells in a view on a table |
The following functions for manual labels are still available but will now do nothing if called:
GISDK Function |
Summary |
Converts all the automatic labels on all layers and sets in a map into manual labels, i.e., text annotations at the same location and size |
Gets the manual label settings for a layer |
Gets the automatic label option settings for a map |
Changes the manual label settings for a layer |
Controls whether automatic labels on a map can overlap |
©2025 Caliper Corporation | |