Maptitude GISDK Help |
Determines whether a layout has changed since it was last saved to a file.
flag = GetLayoutSaveFlag(string layout_name)
Argument |
Contents |
layout_name |
The name of the layout, or null for the current layout |
The string "True" if the layout has changed and needs to be saved; the string "False" if it has not changed since it was last loaded from or saved to a file.
The save flag is set automatically whenever the layout is changed, but the user is not prompted automatically when the layout is closed. Use GetLayoutSaveFlag() to determine whether or not to prompt the user about saving the layout.
GetLayoutSaveFlag() does not track whether the printer has been changed since the last save.
if GetLayoutSaveFlag() = "False" then goto ok_to_quit
// Prompt the user to save the contents before quitting...
Error Type |
Meaning |
NotFound |
The specified layout window does not exist |
Function |
Summary |
Determines whether a map has changed since it was last saved to a file |
Determines whether an editor has changed since it was last saved to a file |
Saves a layout to a file |
Creates a layout from a file |
©2025 Caliper Corporation | |