Maptitude GISDK Help |
Gets information about a theme.
Psychological Scaling option added to Version 2019.
info = GetTheme(string theme_name)
Argument |
Contents |
theme_name |
The name of the theme |
An array of information as follows:
Element |
Type |
Contents |
1 |
String |
The theme type: "Chart", "Class", "Continuous", or "Dot" |
2 |
Array |
The theme contents, the structure of which varies by type as indicated below |
Contents element |
Type |
Contents |
1 |
String |
Chart type: "Bar", "Pie", or "Stack" |
2 |
Array |
Field specs (strings) of the fields in the theme |
3 |
Array |
Labels (strings) for each field in the theme |
4 |
Array |
An array of option-value pairs as described below |
Option |
Type |
Contents |
Title |
String |
Title of the theme, as it appears in the legend |
Data Source |
String |
Indicates which data were scanned to determine the minimum and maximum values. If "All" all features are scanned; if "Screen" only features appearing on the screen in the current map are scanned |
Minimum Value |
Real |
Features with values below the mimimum are displayed at minimum size |
Maximum Value |
Real |
Features with values above the maximum are displayed at maximum size |
Minimum Size |
Real |
Minimum pie diameter or total bar length (in points) corresponding to the minimum value (defaults to 0) |
Maximum Size |
Real |
Maximum pie diameter or total bar length (in points) corresponding to the maximum value (defaults to 54) |
Psychological Scaling |
Boolean |
Whether to use perceptual scaling (Flannery method) to compensate for the human tendency to underestimate circle sizes (defaults to "False") |
Width |
Real |
The bar or stack chart width in points (defaults to 14) |
3D |
Boolean |
Whether bar or stack charts are drawn with 3-D effects (defaults to "False") |
Direction |
String |
Whether bar or stack charts are "Vertical" or "Horizontal" |
Contents element |
Type |
Contents |
1 |
String |
Method: "Categories", "Counts", "Equal Steps", "Equal Weights", "Manual", "Nested Means", "Percents", "Progression", "Standard Deviation", "Quantiles" |
2 |
String |
Field spec for the field on which the theme is based |
3 |
Array |
Information on the classes in the theme |
4 |
Array |
An array of option-value pairs as described below |
Classes element |
Type |
Contents |
1 |
Array |
An array of class labels (strings), starting with the label for the Other class (if it exists) and followed by the labels for the remaining classes |
2 |
Array |
An array of class value definitions; this could be an array of strings; an array of real numbers, or an array of {real low_value, boolean low_inclusive, real hi_value, boolean hi_inclusive}. No definition is provided for the Other class |
3 |
Array |
An array of integers indicating the number of features in each class, starting with the count for the Other class (if it exists) and followed by the counts for the remaining classes |
Option |
Type |
Contents |
Data Source |
String |
Indicates which data were scanned to determine the minimum and maximum values. If "All" all features were scanned; if "Screen" only features appearing on the screen in the current map were scanned. |
Direction |
String |
Whether the class values in a progression theme are "Decreasing" or "Increasing" |
Drop Empty Classes |
Boolean |
Whether classes containing zero features should be dropped from the theme |
Force Value |
Real |
Forces a break between classes at the specified value (Numeric Categories, Equal Steps, Equal Weight, Quantiles, Standard Deviation) |
Include Maximum |
Boolean |
Whether the maximum value is included or excluded from the range of data |
Include Minimum |
Boolean |
Whether the minimum value is included or excluded from the range of data |
Maximum Value |
Real |
The maximum value to include in a class |
Minimum Value |
Real |
The minimum value to include in a class |
Other |
Boolean |
Whether the Other class was included (for features whose values do not fall into any other class) |
Pretty Values |
Boolean |
Whether the high and low values for each class were rounded to make them more presentable (defaults to "False") |
Rate |
String |
The type of rate to use for a progression theme; one of : Constant, Decreasing, Increasing |
Scale |
Real |
Scaling factor for progression or standard deviation methods |
Sort Order |
String |
If "Descending"classes were created starting with the highest value and working downward; if "Ascending" classes were created starting with the lowest value and working upward (all numeric themes) |
Style |
Boolean |
"True" for a pattern theme; "False" for a color theme |
Title |
String |
Title of the theme, as it appears in the legend |
Type |
String |
The type of progression for a progression theme: "Arithmetic" or "Geometric" |
Values |
Array |
An array containing one element for each class in the theme. The contents of the elements varies by method, as shown in the table below |
Weight Field |
String |
For the equal weight method, the field spec of the numeric field that was used to weight the data values |
Zero |
Boolean |
Whether zero is treated as a missing value (defaults to "False") |
Method |
Contents of the Values Array |
Counts |
Integers that indicate the number of features in each class |
Percents |
Real numbers that indicate the percentage of features in each class |
Manual (string field) |
Strings indicating the value for each class |
Manual (numeric field) |
One of the following: real numbers indicating the value for each class; or an array of {real low_value, boolean low_inclusive, real hi_value, boolean hi_inclusive} indicating the low and high values for each class |
Contents element |
Type |
Contents |
1 |
String |
Field spec for the field on which the theme is based |
2 |
Array |
An array of option-value pairs as described below |
Option |
Type |
Contents |
Title |
String |
Title of the theme, as it appears in the legend |
Data Source |
String |
Indicates which data were scanned to determine the minimum and maximum values. If "All" all features were scanned; if "Screen" only features appearing on the screen in the current map were scanned |
Minimum Value |
Real |
Features with values below the mimimum are displayed at minimum size |
Maximum Value |
Real |
Features with values above the maximum are displayed at maximum size |
Minimum Size |
Real |
Minimum icon size or line width (in points) corresponding to the minimum value |
Maximum Size |
Real |
Maximum icon size or line width (in points) corresponding to the maximum value |
Contents element |
Type |
Contents |
1 |
Array |
Field specs (strings) of the fields in the theme |
2 |
Integer |
Dot value |
3 |
Array |
Labels (strings) for each field in the theme |
4 |
Array |
An array of option-value pairs as described below |
Option |
Type |
Contents |
Title |
String |
Title of the theme, as it appears in the legend |
Data Source |
String |
Indicates which data were scanned to determine the minimum and maximum values. If "All" all features were scanned; if "Screen" only features appearing on the screen in the current map were scanned |
Error |
Meaning |
NotFound |
The specified theme does not exist |
Function |
Summary |
Gets a list of themes shown on a layer or selection set |
Gets a list of themes defined on the current layer |
Gets information about the classes of a color or pattern theme |
Gets the options array for a theme |
Gets statistical information about a class theme |
Creates a color or pattern theme on the current layer |
Creates a continuous (scaled-symbol) theme on the current layer |
Creates a pie or bar chart theme on the current layer |
Creates a dot-density theme on the current layer |
©2025 Caliper Corporation | |