Maptitude GISDK Help |
This section is designed to give you quick, practical experience using GISDK to develop add-ins and custom applications for Maptitude.
If you are an experienced developer, and have used or built applications in other programming and/or macro languages, this section will give you a good overview of the Caliper Script language, and tell you almost everything you need to know about the mechanics of using GISDK.
If you are not an experienced developer, this section will provide you with some hands-on experience with the tools that are provided in Maptitude, and a good overview of the process of developing, compiling, and running GISDK applications. You may want to spend some extra time studying the code samples to make sure you understand them, and you may even want to look up some of the functions that are used here in the Maptitude Help.
In a series of lessons, this quick start will build a simple but useful add-in that you can adapt to your own needs. You will use sample programs whose source code is included in the gisdk\samples folder within your Maptitude program folder. First, you will load and run these programs as is; later on, you can modify them and experiment on your own.
When developing any software application, it is best to do some planning and designing before starting to do the coding. At a minimum you should specify the basic things you want your user to be able to do, and sketch on paper the way the user interface should look. The more detail you include in your "spec" the easier it will be to write the program. It will have fewer errors and require less revision. So, let's write the spec first, and then begin programming.
You want to create a "find and zoom" type of add-in. It will allow the user to click on the map, see a list of point locations within a specified search distance, choose one of them, and zoom the map to show the chosen point and the original clicked point. Your detailed specification looks like this:
With your spec in hand, you are ready to set up the work environment and get started.
To Prepare for Writing an Add-In
For more information, see:
Lesson 1: A Search Macro and a Test Program
Lesson 4: Calling the Toolbox from the Menus
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