Maptitude GISDK Help |
Sets the title of a map.
SetMapTitle(string map_name, string desc)
Argument |
Contents |
map_name |
The name of the map or null for the current map |
desc |
The title of the map |
This function sets the map title, which is the string on the window title bar, to the right of the map filename.
When calling CreateMap() or OpenMap(), the map title will be the same as the map name unless the Title option is used.
Two maps can have the same map title, but they cannot have the same map name. Map names are set by CreateMap() and OpenMap() and are gotten with GetMap(), GetMaps(), and GetMapNames().
To change the filename portion of the window title you must change the map filename, which can be done with SetMapFile().
After calling SetMapFile(), the map filename will not be displayed on the window title bar until there is a call to SetMapTitle().
//Set the title of the current map
SetMapTitle(, "Counties of the United States")
Error Type |
Meaning |
NotFound |
The specified map does not exist |
Function |
Summary |
Create a new, empty map window |
Open a map file and display it in a map window |
Gets the name of the current map |
Get a list of maps and the name of the current map |
Gets a list of the names of maps in the system |
Gets the title of a map |
Gets the name of the file in which a map was last saved |
Sets the filename for a map |
©2025 Caliper Corporation | |