Maptitude GISDK Help |
Changes the scale and center of a map.
ZoomAndCenterMap(string map_name, real fraction, coordinate center)
Argument |
Contents |
map_name |
The map to be modified |
fraction |
The multiplier by which the width and height should be changed |
center |
The new center of the map |
If the map_name is null, ZoomAndCenterMap() uses the current map.
scp = GetMapScope()
ZoomAndCenterMap (null, 2.0, // Zoom out (double the width and height); don't change the center
newcenter = Coord(-78000000, 43000000)
ZoomAndCenterMap ("my map", 0.5, newcenter) // Zoom in (cut the width and height in half), with new center
Error Type |
Meaning |
NotFound |
The specified map does not exist |
Function |
Summary |
Centers a map at a particular location |
Sets the scale of a map |
Changes the scale of a map |
©2025 Caliper Corporation | |