Maptitude GISDK Help

Standard Interface Macros

A number of macros in the Maptitude standard interface are useful for developing add-ins and custom applications. The following Standard Interface Macros are documented in this section:

Standard Interface Macro


Annotation Font

Adds a freehand symbol item to a map or layout

Annotation Select

Selects or edits freehand items on a map or layout

Annotation Text

Adds a freehand text item to a map or layout

Call Menu Item

Calls a command on the Standard Interface menus

Create Legend

Creates or updates the legend

File Close All

Closes all windows and files

Layer Settings

Displays the appropriate style dialog box for a layer

Layer Status

Displays the Layers dialog box

New Layer Default Settings

Sets default display styles for a new layer

Scale for Layer

Displays the Autoscale dialog box

Setup Colors

Creates an array of colors that can be used as the variable for a color drop-down list

Setup Colorsplay

Creates an array containing arrays of colors, which are designed for use with the List of Values method for color themes

Setup Fill Styles

Creates an array of fillstyles that can be used as the variable for a fill style drop-down list

Setup Fillsplay

Creates an array containing arrays of fillstyles, which are designed for use with the List of Values method for pattern themes

Setup Line Styles

Creates an array of linestyles that can be used as the variable for a line or border style drop-down list

Setup Linesplay

Creates an array containing arrays of linestyles, which are designed for use with the List of Values method for pattern themes for lines

Setup Palettes

Creates an array of color palettes that can be used for choosing sets of styles for color themes

Setup Quantile Fillstyles

Creates an array containing arrays of fillstyles, which are designed for use when choosing sets of styles for pattern themes

Tutorial Folder

Returns the full path to the folder where the tutorial files are installed

Update Linked Records

Updates the information about the original table on which the database (db) is based

Update Map Toolbar

Updates the drop-down list on the map toolbar

Set Exist

Checks whether the given selection set name already exists for the current layer

Create Set

Creates a new selection set for the current layer, with a unique name and default display settings

Delete Set

Deletes a selection set from the current layer, and removes it from appropriate editors, toolbars, and toolboxes

Note that:

Geocoding Macros

Old geocoding macros have been deprecated:

Geocode Macro


Locate View

Creates or adds to a point geographic file by locating records using a streets layer or a Location index

Locate Address

Finds the location of a single address

Locate Address Results

Finds the location of a single address and returns an array that, if an exact match has not been found for the input address, includes an array of partial match results listing geocoding scores and street segment information

The following set of geocoding macros for locating addresses use a Location index:

Location Index Geocode Macro


Get Rule Files

Lists all the address standardization rule files that are installed in the program folder

Get City Rule Files

Lists all "City, State" standardization rule files that are installed in the program folder

Get Location Index Properties

Gets the properties of a Location index

Get Location Index

Loads a Location index into memory, if necessary, and gets a handle to the index

Find with Location Index

Finds an address using a Location index

Drop Location Index

Drops a specific Location index from memory

Drop All Location Indexes

Drops all Location indexes from memory

See Location Index Example for an example of how to use many of these macros together in Caliper Script.

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