Viewing Maptitude Online Maps

You open a Maptitude Online map by clicking on the map card.

When you open a map, it will contain the following components:

1 A Sidebar that contains the tools for working with maps. Click to expand the sidebar and see descriptions of each option in the sidebar.
2 A Pointer tool
3 Drawing tools
4 Navigation tools for zooming in and out
5 A  tool to enter Full Screen mode (Press the Esc key to exit full screen mode)

You use sidebar, navigation tools, and drawing tools to:

Changing the Map Scale and Location

Maptitude Online offers a number of different ways for you to display a location of interest including manually zooming and panning, setting the map scale so that all features in a layer are visible, or searching for a specific location of interest.

To Manually Move Around a Map

  1. Use the navigation tools to zoom in and out as follows:
    To do this... Do this...
    Zoom in Click the + Navigation tool or scroll your mouse wheel away from you. If you are using a phone or tablet, double-tap or pinch-zoom-in.
    Zoom out Click the Navigation tool or scroll your mouse wheel toward you. If you are using a phone or tablet, pinch-zoom-out.
  2. Pan the map by clicking and dragging on the map. Release the mouse button to stop panning the map. If you are using a phone or tablet, touch and drag.

    NOTE: You cannot pan the map when the Selection tool is active nor when the Circle drawing tool is active.

To Zoom to a Particular Location

  1. Choose Search on the sidebar.
  2. Enter an address, city and state abbreviation, postal code, or state name or abbreviation and click Search.
  3. Click if to close the Search pane and see more of the map.

The map will zoom to the address, city, postal code, or state that you entered.

To Show All of the Features in a Layer

  1. Choose Layers on the sidebar.
  2. Click + next to the layer of interest.
  3. Click  .
  4. Click to close the Layers pane and see more of the map.

The map will display at a scale such that all of the features in the chosen layer are visible on the map.

Controlling the Map Layers

  1. Choose Layers on the sidebar.
  2. Click + to expand portions of the legend. The layers in the map are listed and information about any themes is displayed.
  3. Make changes to the visible layers in the map as follows:
    To do this... Do this...
    Hide a layer, label, or theme Uncheck the box next to the item you want to hide.
    Show a layer, label, or theme Check the box next to the item you want to show.
    Permanently remove a layer from the map Click .
    Change the map background From the drop-down list at the top of the Background section, choose USGS Aerial Imagery to display satellite imagery as the background or choose USA Basemap to display the standard map background. You can also choose to hide basemap layers by unchecking the boxes next to the respective layers.
  4. Click to close the Layers pane and see more of the map.

Changing Styles and Labels

Maptitude Online uses the term style to talk about the colors, symbols, and lines that are used to draw map features. For your point layers, you can control the color and icon used, the size, or upload a custom image file (must be square and an image format such as BMP, ICO, JPG, PNG, SVG). For line layers, you can control the color, dash style, and width. For area layers you can control the boundary color, dash style, width, and fill.

Labels are used to identify the features in a layer by their names or other characteristics. To label features, you choose a data field containing the information you want to see and the label size and color.

You can modify the style and labels of layers that you add to your maps. You cannot change the underlying background layer styles or labels.

To Change the Style of a Point Layer

  1. Choose Layers on the sidebar.
  2. Click the icon indicating the current style of the points. Maptitude Online displays the Edit Style window with the Style tab active.
  3. Make changes as follows:
    To do this... Do this...
    Change the color of the icon Click the Icon Color drop-down and choose a color.
    Change the size of the icon Use the up and down spinners in the Icon Size box or type a specific value in pixels.
    Change the opacity of the icon Use the up and down spinners in the Transparency box or type a specific percentage value.
    Change the icon Click More Icons, choose an icon, and click OK.
    Upload an image file to use Click Upload Icon, browse for an image file and click Open, and click OK.
  4. Click Finish.

To Change the Style of a Line Layer

  1. Choose Layers on the sidebar.
  2. Click the sample showing the current style of the lines. Maptitude Online displays the Edit Style window with the Style tab active.
  3. Make changes as follows:
    To do this... Do this...
    Change the line style Click the Line Style drop-down and choose a style..
    Change the color of the lines Click the Line Color drop-down and choose a color.
    Change the width of the lines Use the up and down spinners in the Line Width box or type a specific value in pixels.
    Change the opacity of the lines Use the up and down spinners in the Line Transparency box or type a specific percentage value.
  4. Click Finish.

To Change the Style of an Area Layer

  1. Choose Layers on the sidebar.
  2. Click the sample showing the current style of the areas. Maptitude Online displays the Edit Style window with the Style tab active.
  3. Make changes as follows:
    To do this... Do this...
    Change the border style Click the Border Style drop-down and choose a style.
    Change the border color Click the Border Color drop-down and choose a color.
    Change the border width Use the up and down spinners in the Border Width box or type a specific value in pixels.
    Change the opacity of the border Use the up and down spinners in the Border Transparency box or type a specific percentage value.
    Change the fill color Click the Fill Color drop-down and choose a color.
    Change the opacity of the fill Use the up and down spinners in the Fill Transparency box or type a specific percentage value.
  4. Click Finish.

To Change the Labels

  1. Choose Layers on the sidebar.
  2. Click the label icon for a layer. (Note, if the layer already has labels, the icon will have a "T" in the color of the labels.) Maptitude Online displays the Edit Style window with the Label tab active.
  3. Make changes as follows:
    To do this... Do this...
    Choose the field to use for labeling features Click the Label drop-down and choose a field.
    Remove labels Click the Label drop-down and choose None.
    Change the label color Click the Label Color drop-down and choose a color.
    Change the label size Use the up and down spinners in the Label Size box or type a specific value in pixels.
    Display numeric fields without thousands comma separators Remove the check from the Format as number box.
    Display numeric fields with thousands comma separators Check the Format as number box.
  4. Click Finish.

Adding Drive Rings

You can use the Drive Ring tool to create drive-time or distance rings that show the locations that are within a certain amount of time (in minutes) or distance (in miles or kilometers) from one or more origins. You choose the origins for the rings by clicking on the map or by using features in a point layer. You then choose the number of rings and the interval.


When you create drive-time rings you can choose to calculate demographics for the rings. Maptitude Online will calculate demographics for each individual ring.

When you have more than one origin, you can choose whether the rings are merged or separate. For example:

NOTE: This feature is available only for roads in the USA.

To Add Drive-Time Rings to a Map

  1. Click on the Sidebar.
  2. Choose how you want to define your origins as follows:
    To do this... Do this...
    Choose the origins by clicking on the map Click and click on one or more locations on the map. Maptitude Online displays a pin icon at each origin location. To remove a location, click and click on a pin icon.
    Choose the origins from features in a point layer If your map contains a point layer, click and then choose a layer to use from the Layer drop-down and choose whether to use All Features or a selection set from the Using drop-down.
  3. Enter a name for the drive-time ring layer.
  4. Choose the number of rings to create.
  5. Choose the interval size of the rings and the units.
  6. If there is more than one origin, check the Separate Rings box to create separate rings around each of the points or uncheck it to create merged rings.
  7. If you want to compute the demographics for the rings, check the Calculate Demographics box.
  8. Click OK.

Using the Drawing Tools

You can use the drawing tools to add a line, circle, rectangle, or polygon to a map. When you draw features on a map they will be annotated with their dimensions and name. In addition, you can use the Pointer tool on circles, rectangles, or polygons that you draw to see the estimated demographics of the populations within those areas.To Show All of the Features in a Layer

To Use the Drawing Tools

  1. Click on a drawing tool to activate it and use it as follows:
    Tool How to use it
    Draw Line Click where you want the line to start, single-click to add intermediate points, or double-click to end the line. As you move the cursor, the length of the line will be displayed.
    Draw Circle Click and drag a circle. As you drag, the radius and area will be displayed. Alternatively, you can single-click on the map, enter a radius value, choose the units, and click OK.
    Draw Rectangle Click at one corner of where the rectangle should start. As you drag, the dimensions and area will be displayed. Click again when the rectangle is the desired size.
    Draw Polygon Click at one corner of where the polygon should start. As you drag, the dimensions of the polygon will be displayed. Click at additional locations and double-click to close the polygon.
  2. Modify any of the drawing items that you add to a map as follows: 
    To do this...

    Do this...

    Move an item Click the Pointer tool to activate it, click on a line or the border of an area item to highlight it, click  and click and drag it to a a new location.
    Change the shape of a line or polygon, or resize a circle Click the Pointer tool to activate it, click on a line or the border of an area item to highlight it, click  and drag any of the circular node handles to a new location.
    Change the name of an item Click the Pointer tool to activate it, click on a line or the border of an area item to highlight it, click , enter a name, and click OK.
    Change the measurement units Click the Pointer tool to activate it, click on a line or the border of an area item to highlight it, click , choose the units from the drop-down list, and click OK.
    Hide the dimensions of the drawn items Click . Click to toggle the dimensions back on.
    Delete an item Click the Pointer tool to activate it, click on a line or the border of an area item to highlight it, click , and click Yes to confirm.
    Delete all drawn items Click the drawing tool and click Yes to confirm.

If you drew a circle, polygon, or rectangle, you can use the Pointer tool to see the estimated demographics of the populations within those areas on the Info tab.

NOTE: Drawing items will not be displayed on publicly shared maps.

Displaying Information About Individual Features on a Map

You use the Pointer tool to see information about features on a map or estimates of the demographics for areas that you draw on a map. You can also display tabular data for an entire layer. For more information, see Working with Tabular Data.To Add Drive-Time Rings to a Map

To Display Information About Map Features

  1. Click on the Pointer tool to activate it and then click (or tap if you are using a phone or tablet) on a feature on the map or on an area that you added with the drawing tools. A pin is added to the map and the Info pane will display information for any features near where you clicked. If features are in more than one layer, use the drop-down list to choose the layer for which you want to see data.
  2. Click if you want to download data for the features to an Excel file.
  3. Click to remove the pin from the map and clear the Info pane.

Displaying Reports

If any PDF reports were uploaded with the map, the Sidebar will include a Reports item.

To Display Reports

  1. Choose Reports on the Sidebar and choose a report. A PDF viewer displays the report.
  2. Scroll through the report or use the download or print buttons. Close the PDF viewer when you are done.

Managing Maps

You can rename, save an image of, or delete an open map by choosing Options on the sidebar.

To Manage an Open Map

  1. Choose Options on the sidebar and make choices as follows:
    Choose this... To do this...
    Rename Display the rename pane where you can enter a new name and click Rename.
    Export Image Download a PNG file format image of the map.
    Delete To display a confirm message that you want to delete the map from Maptitude Online and click Delete.

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