Working with Tabular Data

You can display data for layers in tabular form in a dataview. A dataview displays data as a table, with information presented in rows and col­umns. Each row is called a record and represents one person, place, or thing. Each column is called a field and contains one piece of information about each record. At the top of each column is a heading that contains the name of the field. You can control what fields are shown, sort fields, and filter the fields.

To See Data in Tabular Form

  1. Choose Layers on the sidebar.
  2. Click + to expand portions of the legend.
  3. Make sure the Select tool is inactive.
  4. Click  . Maptitude Online displays data for the chosen layer in a tabular dataview:
  5. Make choices about how to display the data as follows:
    To do this... Do this...
    Sort the records Click a field heading to sort the records in increasing order based on the values for that field. Click the Field heading again to sort the records in decreasing order. An up or down arrow will display in the field heading indicating how the records are sorted.
    Change the visible fields Click to display the Column Chooser. Check the boxes next to the fields that you want visible and uncheck the box next to fields you want to hide. Click in the Column Chooser when you are done.
    Change the number of records on a page Click 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 on the lower left to display the respective number of rows.
    Jump to a different page Click < or > or click one of the page links on the lower right.

Filtering Data

You can filter features in a dataview to find records based on values in one or more fields. You can save up to three filtered sets and display those sets on a map. You can also manually filter features by directly clicking on features in a map.

Once you have filtered features into a set, you have the option of analyzing just the selected features.

Filtering data in a Dataview

To Filter Features in a Dataview

  1. Click below the field heading that you want to filter, choose an operator, and enter a value. For example, click below the field SALES in a customer layer, choose Greater than or equal to, and type 2000 to limit the dataview to customers whose sales are at least $2,000.
  2. Repeat step 1 with other fields to further filter the features. The dataview displays only records with data that conform to the filter(s) you specified and the Filter by Query button is replaced with the filter condition:
  3. Make choices as follows for the filtered features:
    To do this... Do this...
    Toggle the filtered features and all of the features Uncheck the box to display all features and check the box to display the filtered features.
    Download the filtered features to an Excel file Click .
    Save the filtered features to a set Click Save Filter to Set, choose a set from the drop-down list in the Save Filter to Set pop-up (If you want, you can also rename the set in the drop-down list by clicking and entering a new name), and click OK. Maptitude Online changes to the map view zoomed to show the filtered feature set. See Working with Selected Features in a Map for information on using the selected features in the map.
    Delete the filter Click Clear.

To Use the Filter Builder

  1. Click Filter by Query to display the Filter Builder.
  2. Click +.
  3. Click on the first drop-down and choose a field to use, click on the second drop-down and choose an operator, and enter a value. Click + again to add any additional conditions. For example, this filter:

    would limit the dataview to customers in NEEDHAM or NEEDHAM HEIGHTS whose sales are at least $2,000.
  4. Click OK. The dataview displays only records with data that conform to the filter(s) you specified and the Filter by Query button will be replaced with the filter condition:
  5. Make choices as follows for the filtered features:
    To do this... Do this...
    Toggle the filtered features and all of the features Uncheck the box to display all features and check the box to display the filtered features.

    Download the filtered features to an Excel file

    Click .
    Save the filtered features to a set Click Save Filter to Set, choose a set from the drop-down list in the Save Filter to Set pop-up (If you want, you can also rename the set in the drop-down list by clicking and entering a new name), and click OK. Maptitude Online changes to the map view zoomed to show the filtered feature set. See Working with Selected Features in a Map for information on using the selected features in the map.
    Delete the filter Click Clear.

Selecting Feature on a Map

To Select Features with the Selection Tool

  1. Choose Layers on the sidebar.
  2. Click + to expand portions of the legend.
  3. Click to activate the Selection tool.
  4. Choose one of the selection sets from the drop-down list. By default, the selection filters are named "Selection," "Selection 2," and "Selection 3." You can click in the drop-down list to change the default names.
  5. Click on individual features on the map or click and drag over several features to select them. You can right-click on features to deselect them. The number of features selected are displayed in the drop-down list.

    TIP: At small scales the Selection tool will select several features that are clustered close together. You may want to zoom in on areas with densely clustered features to select features with more precision.

Working with Selected Features in a Map

Once you a map with one or more selection sets of features, you can:

To Use Selected Features in a Map

  1. Choose Layers on the sidebar.
  2. Click + to expand portions of the legend.
  3. Choose the set with which you want to work from the drop-down list.
  4. Make choices as follows:
    To do this... Do this...
    View tabular data for the selected features Click
    Build buffers around, find a weighted center, or create areas of influence around the selected features Click to start Create-a-Map Wizard, choose a type of analysis and other settings, then click Next. Enter a map name and click Finish. See Types of Analysis for more information.
    Zoom the map to show all of the selected features Click .
    Clear the selection Click and click Clear to confirm.
  5. Click to close the Layers pane and see more of the map.

TIP: You can also create buffers, areas of influence, and weighted centers for all of the features in a layer instead of all of just the selected features. See To Perform Analysis on a Point Layer on the Map for more information.

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