Creating a New Map

There are two types of map that you can create with Maptitude Online.

Creating a Map Using Your Own Data

You can use data stored in Excel or CSV files to create a new map or to add to an open a map or you can copy data into the spreadsheet.

There are two basic ways that you can map your own data:

For example, given the following Excel file of customer data that contains address and sales data: can use the address data to locate the records as points on a map (left) or group the records by postal code to see the total sales for each postal code (right)

When you create a new map, you have the option of showing your data with themes. Maptitude Online supports many types of themes for illustrating the geographic patterns in your data. The types of themes that you can create depend on the type of layer that you are using and the type of data. For more information on themes, see Types of Themes.

When you create a map that locates records in your file as points on a map, you have the option of performing several types of analysis on the features. For more information on analyzing point features, see Types of Analysis.

To Create a New Map Using Your Data

  1. Click the Create Map tab.
  2. Choose My data/table/spreadsheet from the radio list.
  3. Drag an Excel or CSV file to the Drop file or click here to upload box, click the click here link and choose an Excel or CSV file that contains the data to be mapped, or manually enter address information and/or longitude and latitude information in the spreadsheet and add any additional fields of data.
  4. If you uploaded an Excel file that contains more than one worksheet, choose the sheet that contains the data to be mapped.
  5. Click Next and follow the Create-a-Map Wizard prompts to specify the type of map, theme, analysis, and to name the map.
  6. Click Finish.

Maptitude Online creates the map, switches to the Maps tab, and adds the map as a new card that you can now view.

TIP: You can also create buffers, areas of influence, and weighted centers for a filtered set of features instead of all of the features in a layer. See Working with Selected Features in a Map for more information on working with filtered sets.

Creating a Map Showing Specific Boundaries

You can create a map that examines the demographics for any location in the United States. You choose the geographic level (e.g., ZIP Code, County, State), the Census data fields of interest, and how to display the data thematically for any location you choose.

For example, you could choose to map counties and create a map that contains a color theme illustrating the median home value in every county in Florida (below left) or you could choose to map 5-digit ZIP Codes and create a map that shows a chart theme illustrating the share of owner-occupied and renter-occupied housing in every ZIP Code in San Francisco (below right).

To Create a New Map Showing Specific Boundaries

  1. Click the Create Map tab.
  2. Choose Boundaries (ZIP Codes, States, etc.) with or without Demographics from the radio list.
  3. Click Next and follow the Create-a-Map Wizard prompts:
  4. Click Finish.

Maptitude Online creates the map, switches to the Maps tab, and adds the map as a new card that you can now view.

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