Maptitude Newsletter
   October-November 2010

bullet Maptitude Training

bullet Featured Data Product: Canadian Data DVD

bullet TECH TIP -- Click on Customers to Call Using Skype

bullet DID YOU KNOW? -- Stop a Map from Drawing

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Maptitude Training

Maptitude is the best professional mapping software that you can buy. We designed Maptitude to be easy to learn and use, ensuring that you maximize your mapping software investment. Maptitude has Wizards that guide you step-by-step through standard tasks, and ships with a detailed User's Guide that has more than 75 "60-Second Tutorials" to assist you with specific tasks.

The Maptitude Learning Resources pages contain further aids, including a series of videos that demonstrate the core features of Maptitude. If you are new to Maptitude we recommend that you watch all of the tutorials, because they will introduce you to many Maptitude techniques, tools, and procedures.

Caliper also offers several training options:  

ʉۢ Instructor-led classroom training
ʉۢ Private Training
ʉۢ Web-Based Training

Maptitude Classroom Training:

The next scheduled instructor-led training courses will be Oct. 13-15 and Nov. 17-19 in Newton, MA (USA). The cost is $395 per day or $900 for all three days. Advance registration is required.

Space is limited, so register online for either course as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please call Maptitude Training (USA) at 1-617-527-4700, or send an e-mail to

Tech Tip:
Click On Locations to Phone Them With Skype

Skype MapMaptitude lets you link all types of information to features on a map. You can link map features to documents, programs, or sites on the Internet. In this Tech Tip we will look at how to phone your customers using Skype by simply clicking on them in a map.

1. Using Excel create a phone number field in the Excel file containing your data. The field name must contain the word "File" (for example, Skype File, Phone Numbers File, etc.). Each phone number in this field must be prefixed with "skype:+" (for example, skype:+16175274700).

2. Choose File-New, choose Map from the New File dialog box, and click OK. This brings you to the Create-a-Map Wizard.

3. Choose the Map of my own data option.

4. Browse for the Excel file containing your data. Choose the sheet in the Excel workbook that contains your data and has fields such as Address and ZIP Code. Click OK.

5. Click Next in the Create-a-Map Wizard.

6. Choose the Locate records in your file by Address option and click Next.

7. Choose the No - let Maptitude create one for me option and click Next. Type a file name for your new layer and click Save.

8. Choose None for the theme type and click Next.

9. Choose None for the analysis type and click Next.

10. Click Finish and click OK when prompted. Maptitude creates a map of your data.

Once you have a point layer of your data:

1. In the Main Toolbox click Info Link Tool to activate the Info Link tool. 

2. Click on a customer in layer Your Data. If you have Skype installed, and the phone number is correctly formatted, Skype will launch and call the specified phone number.


Previous Issue (August-September 2010)