Maptitude Mapping Software

Maptitude and Community Development Mapping

Maptitude Mapping Software empowers individuals and organizations in countries all over the world by providing them with the tools they need to effect change in local communities.

Maptitude, the most capable and least expensive full-featured mapping software available, gives those involved in community development access to the broad range of nationwide maps and Census demographic data needed to enable communities to have a better understanding of how and where resources are being, or plan to be, spent and how the resource allocation relates to conditions in the community. Such information sharing expands community participation.

Maptitude is available for the country of your choice (where available).

Community 2020 (USA)

Maptitude was the basis for the Community 2020 community planning software, produced by Caliper Corporation for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

HUD's Community 2020™ Maptitude software was a multi-faceted planning, mapping, and communication package. Not only did it provide geographic information that allowed citizens to see where their tax dollars were being spent locally, it provided citizens with government program information in a format that facilitated greater citizen participation. Using the Community 2020 Maptitude software, community-based organizations, state and local governments, housing authorities, and non-governmental organizations designed their own projects with the easy-to-use planning and application mapping software.

There were over 2550 copies of the Community 2020 Maptitude software in use, including copies sent to all 100 US senators and all 435 members of the US House of Representatives.

Additional community development data for the U.S. are available:

» Learn more about Maptitude

HUB Zones (USA)

Maptitude was the basis for the online HUBZone Mapping Application, produced by Caliper Corporation for the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

The US Small Business Administration (SBA) provided a Maptitude for the Web application to determine if a property qualified as low income (under the New Markets Venture Capital Program) or whether an address was in a Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUB Zones).

The HUBZone Program stimulates economic development and creates jobs in urban and rural communities by providing Federal contracting preferences to small businesses.

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