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Sneak Preview of Maptitude 2017: Show Me Results Now!
Interface Redesign, One-Click Travel Time Reports, and Critical Data Update
Maptitude 2017 is due out in the first quarter of the new year, and we are
offering you an exclusive first look at some of the new features!

Interface Redesign The Maptitude team lives and breathes mapping and GIS. We need the
Maptitude interface to be as streamlined and efficient as possible.
We need Maptitude to easily and quickly generate results for
customers. We listen to and work closely with our community.
Based on our own experience and extensive user feedback we have created a new yet
familiar interface that meets the demands of a Maptitude analyst.
One-Click Travel Time Reports We have responded to the growing demand for simple travel calculations and reports by introducing a new distance and
drive-time tool. The tool creates an Excel table that lists
the costs of travel between any number of origins and destinations.
In addition, the one-click Export to Excel tool now automatically includes
travel time, and can be used with more map data. For example, you
can filter on the ZIP Codes that you are interested in and then
immediately create a demographic report.
Critical Data Update Maptitude comes with the latest commercial grade map data and
demographic information available. Maptitude includes annually refreshed
Census and business data, and the most accurate USPS ZIP Code
boundaries. Maptitude doesn't skimp on
providing the best data: We don't substitute ZIP Codes for poor
alternatives such as ZIP Code Tabulation Areas (ZCTAs); We don't rely on open source map data or
inaccurate 3rd party address geocoders. We do include a massive
amount of data and industry leading technology that others can't compete with.
And all for only US$395 (per upgrade).
Using Outdated Data & Technology?
Upgrade to Maptitude 2017! |
Pre-orders & Upgrades!
Maptitude 2017 will be released at the
beginning of 2017.
If you purchase
Maptitude 2016 between
Dec. 1st and Jan. 31st
then you can still pre-order
Maptitude 2017 and at a lower
*Limited Offer: Valid for
Maptitude 2016 purchases made
between Dec. 1 (2016) and Jan. 31 (2017.)
Apply. If you have any questions,
email or call +1
617-527-4700 to check on your
eligibility for this pricing.
Featured Map
One Day Snow Fall Extremes by County
This month’s featured map shows the maximum 1-day snowfall extremes for each county in the United
States (Source NOAA). Counties in each of the following
states have reported 4 feet or more of snow in a single day: Alaska,
California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Hampshire, New York,
Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming. And 43 of the 50
states have reported 2 or more feet of snow in a single day!
Learn more about
this map and other featured maps
Tech Tip
How do I locate data by coordinate?
To create the snow fall featured map, we accessed
data from the National Centers for Environmental
Information. The data included longitude and latitude
fields and we used these columns to locate a point for
every county. This Tech Tip shows how to map CSV
coordinate data with Maptitude 2016.
Learn How Here
Tricks & Tips
How do I transfer data from a point layer to an area layer?
create the snow fall featured map, we took point data and associated
it with county boundaries.
First, in the Display Manager, we right clicked on the County layer
and chose New Dataview. We then used Dataview-Modify Table
to add one real type field for storing the highest one-day snowfall
value from the point layer.
We then highlighted the new field and right clicked
to choose Fill.... By choosing the
Aggregate option we were able to choose a point layer (e.g. as
created in the Tech Tip), a fill method, and the field of data to
use from the point layer.
We were then able to thematically visualize the data via the Map-Color Theme command.
Free MapPoint Webinar, Video, & Handout Now Available! September Training Dates!
MapPoint Webinar: This webinar will
help MapPoint users new to Maptitude 2016. We will
discuss mapping your data, changing the styles on a map,
getting reports on custom-defined areas, creating drive
time rings, the hover label tool and creating
territories. There is also a
free class handout here.
February 2017 UK Training: Preliminary dates
are February 21 and 22 (Bicester, UK). Express interest
in these dates by
emailing us here.
April 2017 Training: Access
experienced Maptitude trainers in a classroom setting.
Book MapPoint Webinar
Book April Training
International Mapping