Maptitude Mapping Software Newsletter
March 2014 Newsletter
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Featured Maptitude Maps:
Percentage of People with Commutes of Over One Hour (By U.S. County)

This map, made with Maptitude 2014, showcases percentage of workers by US county with regular daily commutes to work of over one hour. These travel data have far-reaching implications for both employers and workers. All the data used are available in the USA Country Package.  

Commuters over one hour by county in the U.S.

"Caliper produces the inexpensive Maptitude desktop GIS package which has extensive GIS-Transportation functionality".

Professor Nigel M. Waters

Maptitude and Transportation: The Daily Commute

Maps help to visualize access to a suitable workforce, which is a significant location factor for businesses. The length of the drive to and from work is an equally important factor for employees, especially with volatile gas prices.

Maptitude 2014 allows you to map these differences in travel time to work, average travel time, number of vehicles per household, and mode of transportation. These figures can also be compared to population density, age distribution, income, education, family size, and more.

The Maptitude 2014 USA Country Package includes a wealth of new data such as buying power/disposable income, health insurance coverage, FFIEC banking compliance data, aggregate/median income by race, and projections for 2015 and 2020 (more...). Upgrade to Maptitude 2014 now to access the latest demographics.

More Featured Maps...

If you would like to see your maps showcased here, or are interested in custom map making services and software please contact Caliper.


Focus on Maptitude:
Maptitude is the Best Mapping Software

Maptitude is competitively priced and enables organizations and businesses such as Motorola, Office Depot, Panera Bread, and the U.S. Census Bureau, to use their location-based data to improve decision making.

There are many benefits when you use Maptitude:

Quickly see the information and trends hidden in your geographic data

Create 3-D maps, heat maps, territories, drive-time rings, hot-spots, charts, and reports

Import, analyze, segment, and report on data in almost any format

Map your data for any country in the world: where available use demographic, address, zip code, post code, or county boundary data

Use location intelligence to filter and categorize data

Print, export, manage, share, and use located-based results

Contact us via phone and email during your 60 days of free technical support!

Use Maptitude and start seeing better maps and better results - Now!

The best mapping software. Here's why!

Maptitude is the easiest-to-use full featured mapping software, and includes powerful tools such as multi-ring drive-time zones

Maptitude has no subscription fees and supports secure off-line data storage

Maptitude provides fully customizable maps with unlimited point icons

Maptitude has unlimited pin-mapping/geocoding

Maptitude includes free mapping data and demographics covering everything from population statistics to business locations, postal/ZIP Codes, and more!

What Others Have to Say:
5 starsNick Nicholas
Market Research Consultant

"The package offers ease of use, an extensive range of functions and capabilities, and a wealth of data. In fact, if I purchased the data separately, from any of multiple sources, the cost for data and restructuring would be over $20,000."
5 starsGrant Ian Thrall
President American Real Estate Society

"Maptitude is easy to learn. The included geospatial functionality will serve most analyst needs. And the package is available at a price point that will not provide a barrier."


Using Outdated Data & Technology?
Upgrade to Maptitude 2014!

Users of Maptitude 2013 and Maptitude 2012 can still get our US$395 reduced upgrade pricing. This deal saves you US$300! Upgrade now to avoid being caught out by using last year's features and data.

Also, each US order will include a free US ZIP Code update: a US$250 value! The combination of the offer and free data saves you US$550!

For pricing and ordering information please visit the Mapping Software Storee-mail Maptitude Sales, or call U.S. Sales at +1 617-527-4700. 

Limited Offer: Valid for Maptitude 2012 or later. Restrictions Apply.

You need the newest maps, the latest
demographics, and the fastest, most
intuitive Maptitude!
Buy Maptitude mapping softwareBuy Maptitude mapping software

Free Mapping Resources:

Video: Attaching Data from Nearby Features

This month's free resource is a new mapping training video that covers how to fill a field with the value of, distance to, or name of, the closest feature in another layer.

Maptitude Selection Webinar

Mapping Software Webinars and webinar registration

More Free Mapping Software Resources... 

Maptitude 2014 Training:
Limited Availability

Maptitude Mapping Software Training DatesNew topics cover Maptitude 2014! Advance registration for the instructor-led training courses is required. Upcoming classes:

Oct. 20-22: Boston MA

Space is limited, so register online as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please call Maptitude Training (USA) at +1 617-527-4700, or send an e-mail to

Maptitude International News:
Australia 2014 Country Package Released

Caliper is excited to announce the 2014 Australia Data Package! The product includes a wealth of data and functionality not available in any other software.

The Australia data includes an up-to-date street layer with address data for geocoding and travel time information for computing routes and travel-time rings. Also included are updated building footprints for many urban locations, railroads, and comprehensive named landmarks that range from public facilities to commercial buildings including shops, restaurants, and retail stores.  

Canberra map from Australia 2014 Country Package

Did You Know?
One-Click Reporting

Drive-time ring reports are now accessible via a single click, allowing direct sharing of your geographic analysis. Maptitude Mapping Software Did You Know

Maptitude 2014 makes it much easier to create a demographic report when using the Network Bands tool. First, create your desired drive-time or -distance zones (see video). These can be for multiple locations each with multiple rings. You can then simply click the button Network Bands Report Button in the Network Bands toolbox. This immediately creates and opens a default socio-economic report, without you first having to perform a geographic overlay.

Maptitude News and Press:

• Enterprise Apps Today: Geographic Information Systems Buying Guide 

African Mining Brief: Mine Surveying Technology 

Maptitude: Better Maps & Better Results

More Maptitude News...

Maptitude Solutions:

Banking GIS

Business Mapping

Census Data Mapping

Community Development

Election Management

Enterprise GIS

Franchise Mapping

GIS Software

GPS Mapping

Insurance Mapping

Law Enforcement GIS

Location Intelligence

Marketing & Sales Mapping Software

Public Health Mapping

Real Estate Mapping


Route Planning & Deliveries

Satellite & Aerial Imagery

Street Mapping

Territory Mapping

Web Mapping

World Mapping


Tech Tip:
Choosing Demographics When Performing Ring Analysis

Caliper Corporation leads the industry in the proDrive Time Report with User Specified Aggregation Fieldscessing and release of Census data. Since 1995 Maptitude mapping software has made it easy to access a wealth of Census data for entire countries. You can quickly visualize Census demographics using a suite of wizard-driven tools. Maptitude also provides a map library that contains numerous pre-designed maps listed by Census category. These include heat maps of demographic, income, and housing data. The Map Librarian lets you open one or more of these maps for a chosen location, allowing you to quickly analyze Census data for your area of interest.  

Unlike many other mapping and GIS software packages that require users to purchase data separately, Maptitude includes demographics so you can start mapping straight away. In addition to Census sources, Maptitude includes extensive non-Census information. These data, such as Caliper's proprietary purchasing power estimates, are among the most accurate available from any source and significantly more reliable than U.S. Census data. The included data alone are worth many multiples of the software's purchase price.   

Maptitude allows you to visualize and present this information in ways useful to your organization. The following steps illustrate how to choose the fields shown in a demographic report for time and distance rings:

  1. Choose File-New and use Create-a-Map Wizard to create a general purpose map for your area of interest.

  2. Choose Tools-Routing-Network Bands or click Network Bands Button to display the Network Bands toolbox.

  3. Click Click Origin Points Button in the Network Bands toolbox to activate the Click Origin Points tool.

  4. Click on on the map. Maptitude places symbols at each of the clicked points.

  5. In the Network Bands toolbox choose to create, for example, 3 bands of 5 minutes.

  6. Click Settings Button in the Network Bands Toolbox to display the Network Bands Configuration dialog box and click Aggregation.

  7. Change the aggregation methods for those fields you want to be shown in the report as follows:
    Click on the field in the Fields list; check one or more desired aggregation options; and type a name for each field in the Field Name box. (TIP: You can highlight more than one field at a time and then check a box to apply the aggregation method to all of the fields at once.)

  8. When you are finished making changes in the Overlay Attributes dialog box, click OK to close the Overlay Attributes dialog box, and click OK again to close the Network Bands Configuration dialog box.

  9. Click Create Network Bands Button in the Network Bands toolbox. Maptitude creates the bands and adds them to the map along with a color theme to illustrate the driving distances. Any portion of the map that is not covered by a band is greater than the travel-time you chose from the clicked locations.

  10. To create a report with the map and demographics, click Network Bands Report Button in the Network Bands Toolbox. Maptitude generates the report and displays it in a new window. The report includes the demographic fields you specified for aggregating.

 You can customize a report with your company name by choosing Edit-Preferences and making changes on the Reporting tab. Reports can be printed, saved, exported, and emailed. To export your results you can choose File-Export Document from the Report window menu to export your report for use outside of Maptitude.

International Mapping

Maptitude International Mapping Software


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Previous Issue (February 2014)