This macro demonstrates the use of the AddAnnotation() function. The
macro illustrates how to:
- Add different annotation types
- Use different styles for the different annotation types
You can modify the macro to add different annotation types and to add
annotations to layouts or a different map.
- Download the file GISDK_Add and extract the file ADD ANNOTATIONS.RSC. A good
place to save the resource file is in the GISDK\Samples folder in the
Maptitude program folder.
- Open the map STATES.MAP in the Maptitude/TransCAD tutorial folder.
- Choose Tools-GIS Developer's Kit-GISDK Toolbar
to open the GISDK toolbar.
- Compile this macro in test mode using the Compile button (first
- Run this macro by clicking the Test button (second button), typing
the macro name (Annotations), clicking the Macro radio button, and
clicking OK.