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TransModeler SE Traffic Analysis Software

TransModeler SE is a complete traffic analysis solution in one software package. With TransModeler SE you can:

  • Complete a traffic impact study in one software package: Build/No Build scenario management, ITE or custom trip generation, trip distribution, HCM 6th Edition LOS analysis, traffic signal optimization, MOE report creation, and 3-D visualization
  • Analyze traffic signal operations on coordinated arterials or at isolated intersections
  • Conduct alternatives analyses for roadway improvement projects on urban streets, freeways, and two-lane highways
  • Evaluate intersection capacity improvements at signalized and unsignalized intersections and roundabouts with simulation-based and analytic HCM 6th Edition methods
  • Analyze freeway corridors with conventional and emerging interchange configurations
  • Evaluate access management scenarios with the world’s first commercial, off-the-shelf microsimulator for center two-way left turn lanes (TWLTL)
  • Simulate passing on two-lane highways with the world’s first commercial, off-the-shelf microsimulator for rural highways
  • Study the impacts of travel time and travel time reliability improvements on mixed urban street and freeway networks

TransModeler SE 7 is available now!

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Traffic signal operations
Two-lane highway passing simulation
Center two-way left turn lane simulation
Roundabout simulation