Maptitude for Redistricting 2022 includes several
redistricting improvements, enhancements, and new features
- Enhancements to the Plan Manager, including improved
handling of plans with long names
- Added the ability to sort values and include Date/Time
values in Manual themes

- Changed image export default filetype to Portable
Network Graphics (PNG); PNG is a raster file format that
supports lossless data compression for improved image
- Improvements to the Display Manager when synchronizing
map windows
- Enhancements to GeoJson files including faster import
and the ability to add to an open map

- Improvements to map handling to copy a file location if
the file is not found
- A variety of new and improved visualizations have been
implemented including new aerial imagery for the USA, much
more flexible custom color themes, and enhanced
multiple-field color themes
- Interoperability with external data has been expanded
with support for Esri File Geodatabases even without a copy
of ArcGIS Pro, and support for editing and export
functionality when the Esri platform is installed
- The new Map>Imagery>USDA NAIP Imagery web map layer from the
National Agriculture Imagery Program provides high
resolution aerial imagery for the USA acquired during the
agricultural growing seasons
- Maptitude for Redistricting 2022 users have access to a
wide complement of free data products that enhance
understanding or your locality. A few of these data products
are highlighted below; our
online store is updated frequently to include the latest
Geographic Segmentation data clusters geographic
areas into groups based on their demographic
compositions, categorizing data one of eight segments,
then one of three to six subsegments.
Business Location data contains the point locations
for a single business.
2020 Financial Assets data contains per-capita
estimates of financial asset holdings. The layer
contains 56 fields of various financial class assets
such as bank accounts, stocks, bonds, insurance
policies, businesses, real estate, and more.
ZIP Code Business Count data includes the total
number of businesses by type (by 6-digit North American
Industry Classification System or “NAICS” codes,
formerly known as SIC codes). For each business type
(e.g., Full-Service Restaurants) you can see the number
that fall into each employment size category (e.g.,
Full-Service Restaurants with 1-4 employees,
Full-Service Restaurants with 1000+ employees, etc.).
Maptitude for Redistricting also includes all of the
new features in Maptitude
2022 and described in-depth in the
New Features in Maptitude
2022 PDF.
Click here
to see features that were new to Maptitude for Redistricting