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Maptitude Featured Map Infographic:
Grocery Market Analysis

Maptitude is the best mapping software for business intelligence! Maptitude is the perfect tool for market analysis. Here we explore the landscape occupied by the Kroger and Albertsons grocery store locations.

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As the map above shows, there is minimal footprint overlap between the 2 brands at the national level, with Albertsons primarily in the West, and Kroger in the East. Only the Dallas-Fort Worth area has much territory overlap.

As the box plot shows, and based on the Maptitude consumer expenditure data, Kroger locates in areas with lower expenditure on groceries.

The Geodemographic Segmentation data show that Kroger and Albertsons target only some of the same types of people (below). Overlap occurs only in the "Provincial Lifestyles" and "Agrarian Outbacks" populations. Given these preliminary findings, expansion into each of the other's markets could be possible while not competing directly for the same locations and customers.

The analysis was conducted using the parent brand locations only. We will also be running an analysis to include subsidiaries such as Mariano’s, Jewel, Fry's Food & Drug, King Soopers, Safeway, Ralph's, Vons, and Smith's.

Maptitude boxchart comparing grocery stores
Comparison of grocery chain geodemographic segments
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