What is an Equivalency File?

An Equivalency File is a dBASE, comma-delimted text, fixed-format text, or fixed-format binary file that contains the district ID for each map feature in the base layer of a redistricting plan, usually the Block ANSI for Census Blocks. Equivalency files can be used to recreate district geography using any GIS.

What is an equivalency file/equivalency file definition: table identitfying the district that every feature in a redistricting plan base layer belongs

Software for Redistricting

Maptitude for Redistricting is the professional tool for political redistricting. Designed with input from redistricting professionals, state legislatures, and political parties, Maptitude for Redistricting has the features redistricters want and is easy to learn and use. Maptitude for Redistricting lets you create a plan by importing an equivalency file and lets you save your district plans to an equivalency file for submission to the Department of Justice.

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