Mapping Software and GIS Glossary
Disaggregation is the process of apportioning data for a larger level of geography to a lower level. For example, political data may be tallyed at the voting precinct level. In order to use the voting data for redistricting purposes, it needs to be disaggregated to the Census Block level. The portion assigned to each block is determined using a weighting field (e.g. Voting Age Population).
Disaggregating voter data from the precinct layer will assign the approximate number of voters in each Census Block based on the voting age population in each block.
Maptitude for Redistricting is the professional tool for political redistricting. It is used by a supermajority of the state legislatures, political parties, and public interest groups. Maptitude for Redistricting contains a Disaggregation-Aggregation Wizard for converting precint data to the block, block group, tract, and county layers.
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