Maptitude GISDK Help

Accessing Maptitude as a COM Object


GISDK provides an environment for accessing GISDK functions in a variety of ways. Using Caliper Script, you can write add-ins or custom applications composed of GISDK macros that call GISDK functions. These add-ins or custom applications are run from within Maptitude.


GISDK also allows you to call GISDK functions and macros from another application, written in another programming language such as VBA. You do this using COM. Maptitude is accessed as a COM Object, which can provide map, data, and geographic analysis services. You write your application in a programming language that can make COM calls, and when you need map services you call the Maptitude object to supply those services.


You can call GISDK functions directly, or you can call GISDK macros, compiled in a UI Database, that call GISDK functions. Calling GISDK functions directly is good for simple operations, while using GISDK macros is helpful when doing more complex or frequently needed operations.


The COM model is designed so that clients have access to the full range of Caliper Script functions through the main Maptitude object. This object includes the methods for calling GISDK functions and macros with the necessary arguments.


The subsidiary MacroVal object provides a wrapper for the custom compound types that are used by many of the GISDK functions.


For backward compatibility, GISDK still supports Windows DDE messaging.


For more information, see...

The MacroVal Object

Error Information for COM

Run-Time Requirements for COM

A COM Object Example

Passing Back Results from the COM Object

Using COM Object Results in the Client Program

Accessing Maptitude from a VBA program

Programming a Custom COM Object Application for OLE

Server-Free COM Object Applications



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