Business Locations by Name: Automotive

Maptitude automotive layers

The following automotive business location layers are available free to Maptitude users with the United States country package. Other country packages will have similar layers.

Business Layer Name File Name
AAA US AAA ntaaa.cdf
AAMCO Transmissions US AAMCO ntaamcotransmissions.cdf
ABRA Autobody & Glass US ABRA Autobody ntabraautobody&glass.cdf
ACDelco US ACDelco ntacdelco.cdf
ACE Rent A Car US ACE Rent A Car ntacerentacar.cdf
Acura US Acura ntacura.cdf
Advance Auto Parts US Advance Auto Part ntadvanceautoparts.cdf
Advantage Rent A Car US Advantage Rent ntadvantagerentacar.cdf
Alamo US Alamo ntalamo.cdf
ALFA ROMEO US ALFA ROMEO ntalfa_romeo.cdf
All Tune & Lube US All Tune & Lube ntalltune&lube.cdf
America's US America's Tire ntamericastire.cdf
Apple Auto Glass US Apple Auto Glass ntappleautoglass.cdf
Audi US Audi ntaudi.cdf
Auto Doctor US Auto Doctor ntautodoctor.cdf
Auto Glass Center US Auto Glass Center ntautoglasscenter.cdf
Auto Glass Specialists US Auto Glass Speci ntautoglassspecialists.cdf
AutoBarn US AutoBarn ntautobarn.cdf
AutoZone US AutoZone ntautozone.cdf
AVIS US AVIS ntavis.cdf
Batteries+Bulbs US Batteries+Bulbs ntbatteries+bulbs.cdf
Belle Tire US Belle Tire ntbelletire.cdf
BENTLEY US BENTLEY ntbentley.cdf
BEST ONE TIRE & SERVICE US BEST ONE TIRE ntbest_one_tire&service.cdf
Big 10 Tires US Big 10 Tires ntbig10tires.cdf
Big O Tires US Big O Tires ntbigotires.cdf
Binswanger Glass US Binswanger Glass ntbinswangerglass.cdf
BMW US BMW ntbmw.cdf
BMWi US BMWi ntbmwi.cdf
BOSCH Car Service US BOSCH Car Service ntboschcarservice.cdf
Brakes Plus US Brakes Plus ntbrakesplus.cdf
Bridgestone US Bridgestone ntbridgestone.cdf
Budget US Budget ntbudget.cdf
BUICK US BUICK ntbuick.cdf
Cadillac US Cadillac ntcadillac.cdf
CAR WASH US CAR WASH ntcarwash.cdf
Car X Auto Service US Car X Auto Srv ntcarxautoservice.cdf
CarMax US CarMax ntcarmax.cdf
CARQUEST US Carquest ntcarquest.cdf
Christian Brothers Automotive US Christian Br Auto ntchristianbrothersautomotive.cdf
Cole Muffler US Cole Muffler ntcolemuffler.cdf
Cottman Total Auto Care US Cottman Tot Auto ntcottmantotalautocare.cdf
Diamond Auto Glass US Diamond Auto Glas ntdiamondautoglass.cdf
Discount US Discount Tire ntdiscounttire.cdf
DODGE US DODGE ntdodge.cdf
Dollar Rent A Car US Dollar Rent A Car ntdollarrentacar.cdf
Dollar Thrifty US Dollar Thrifty ntdollarthrifty.cdf
Enterprise US Enterprise ntenterprise.cdf
Exhaust Pros US Exhaust Pros ntexhaustpros.cdf
Express Lube US Express Lube ntexpresslube.cdf
Express Oil Change US Express Oil Chnge ntexpressoilchange.cdf
EZ Lube US EZ Lube ntezlube.cdf
Ferrari US Ferrari ntferrari.cdf
FIAT US FIAT ntfiat.cdf
Firestone US Firestone ntfirestone.cdf
Ford US Ford ntford.cdf
Ford Rent-A-Car US Ford Rent-A-Car ntfordrent-a-car.cdf
Fox Rent A Car US Fox Rent A Car ntfoxrentacar.cdf
GCR US GCR ntgcr.cdf
Genesis US Genesis ntgenesis.cdf
GMC US GMC ntgmc.cdf
GOODYEAR US Goodyear ntgoodyear.cdf
Harley-Davidson US Harley-Davidson ntharleydavidson.cdf
Harmon AutoGlass US Harmon AutoGlass ntharmonautoglass.cdf
Havoline xpress lube US Havoline xpress nthavolinexpresslube.cdf
Hertz US Hertz nthertz.cdf
Honda US Honda nthonda.cdf
HYUNDAI US HYUNDAI nthyundai.cdf
JAGUAR US JAGUAR ntjaguar.cdf
Jeep US Jeep ntjeep.cdf
Jiffy Lube US Jiffy Lube ntjiffylube.cdf
Just Brakes US Just Brakes ntjustbrakes.cdf
Just Tires US Just Tires ntjusttires.cdf
KIA US KIA ntkia.cdf
LAND ROVER US LAND ROVER ntland_rover.cdf
Lentz USA Mufflers Brakes & Shocks US Lentz USA Muffler ntlentzusamufflersbrakes&shocks.cdf
LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER US Les Schwab Tire ntlesschwabtirecenter.cdf
LEXUS US LEXUS ntlexus.cdf
Lincoln US Lincoln ntlincoln.cdf
MAACO US MAACO ntmaaco.cdf
Mack US Mack ntmack.cdf
Mavis Discount Tire US Mavis Disc Tire ntmavisdiscounttire.cdf
Mazda US Mazda ntmazda.cdf
Meineke Car Care Center US Meineke Car Care ntmeinekecarcarecenter.cdf
Mercedes-Benz US Mercedes-Benz ntmercedes-benz.cdf
Merchant's Tire & Auto US Merchant's Tire ntmerchantstire&auto.cdf
Merlin US Merlin ntmerlin.cdf
Midas US Midas ntmidas.cdf
MINI US MINI ntmini.cdf
Monro Muffler Brake & Service US Monro Muffler Brk ntmonromufflerbrake&service.cdf
Mr Muffler US Mr Muffler ntmrmuffler.cdf
Mr Tire US Mr Tire ntmrtire.cdf
Mr Transmission US Mr Transmission ntmrtransmission.cdf
Napa Auto Parts US Napa Auto Parts ntnapaautoparts.cdf
Napa Autocare Center US Napa Autocare ntnapaautocarecenter.cdf
National US National ntnational.cdf
National Car Rental US National Car Rent ntnationalcarrental.cdf
National Tire & Battery US National Tire Bat ntnationaltire&battery.cdf
NISSAN US NISSAN ntnissan.cdf
Northwest Tire & Service US Northwest Tire ntnorthwesttire&service.cdf
NOVUS Glass US NOVUS Glass ntnovusglass.cdf
Oil Can Henry's US Oil Can Henry's ntoilcanhenrys.cdf
O'Reilly Auto Parts US OReilly Auto Part ntoreillyautoparts.cdf
Payless Car Rental US Payless Car Rent ntpaylesscarrental.cdf
Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change US Pennzoil 10m Oil ntpennzoil10minuteoilchange.cdf
Penske Auto Center US Penske Auto Cntr ntpenskeautocenter.cdf
Penske Truck Rental US Penske Truck ntpensketruckrental.cdf
Pep Boys US Pep Boys ntpepboys.cdf
Pit Stop US Pit Stop ntpitstop.cdf
PORSCHE US PORSCHE ntporsche.cdf
Portland Glass US Portland Glass ntportlandglass.cdf
Precision Automotive US Precision Auto ntprecisionautomotive.cdf
Precision Tune Auto Care US Precision Tune ntprecisiontuneautocare.cdf
Quick Lane US Quick Lane ntquicklane.cdf
Quick Quack Car Wash US Quick Quack Car W ntquickquackcarwash.cdf
RAM US RAM ntram.cdf
Rent a Car US Rent a Car ntrentacar.cdf
Rent-A-Wreck US Rent-A-Wreck ntrent-a-wreck.cdf
ROLLS-ROYCE US ROLLS-ROYCE ntrolls-royce.cdf
Safelite AutoGlass US Safelite AutoGlss ntsafeliteautoglass.cdf
Schuck's Auto Supply US Schuck's Auto Sup ntschucksautosupply.cdf
SIXT US SIXT ntsixt.cdf
Speedy Auto Service US Speedy Auto Servi ntspeedyautoservice.cdf
Speedy Glass US Speedy Glass ntspeedyglass.cdf
STS Tire & Auto Centers US STS Tire & Auto C ntststire&autocenters.cdf
SUBARU US SUBARU ntsubaru.cdf
SUZUKI US SUZUKI ntsuzuki.cdf
TDS US TDS nttds.cdf
Thrifty US Thrifty ntthrifty.cdf
Tire Kingdom US Tire Kingdom nttirekingdom.cdf
Tire Pros US Tire Pros nttirepros.cdf
Tire Rama US Tire Rama nttirerama.cdf
Tires Plus US Tires Plus nttiresplus.cdf
TOYOTA US TOYOTA nttoyota.cdf
TOYOTA Rent-A-Car US TOYOTA Rent-A-Car nttoyotarent-a-car.cdf
Tuffy US Tuffy nttuffy.cdf
U Save Auto Rental US U Save Auto Renta ntusaveautorental.cdf
Valvoline Instant Oil Change US Valvoline Ins Oil ntvalvolineinstantoilchange.cdf
Volkswagen US Volkswagen ntvolkswagen.cdf
VOLVO US VOLVO ntvolvo.cdf
Wheel Works US Wheel Works ntwheelworks.cdf
Find Us 1172 Beacon St., Suite 300
Newton MA 02461 USA

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