Mapping, GIS, & Transportation Software Solutions |
The following automotive business location layers are available free to Maptitude users with the United States country package. Other country packages will have similar layers.
Business | Layer Name | File Name |
AAA | US AAA | ntaaa.cdf |
AAMCO Transmissions | US AAMCO | ntaamcotransmissions.cdf |
ABRA Autobody & Glass | US ABRA Autobody | ntabraautobody&glass.cdf |
ACDelco | US ACDelco | ntacdelco.cdf |
ACE Rent A Car | US ACE Rent A Car | ntacerentacar.cdf |
Acura | US Acura | ntacura.cdf |
Advance Auto Parts | US Advance Auto Part | ntadvanceautoparts.cdf |
Advantage Rent A Car | US Advantage Rent | ntadvantagerentacar.cdf |
Alamo | US Alamo | ntalamo.cdf |
ALFA ROMEO | US ALFA ROMEO | ntalfa_romeo.cdf |
All Tune & Lube | US All Tune & Lube | ntalltune&lube.cdf |
America's | US America's Tire | ntamericastire.cdf |
Apple Auto Glass | US Apple Auto Glass | ntappleautoglass.cdf |
ASTON MARTIN | US ASTON MARTIN | ntaston_martin.cdf |
Audi | US Audi | ntaudi.cdf |
Auto Doctor | US Auto Doctor | ntautodoctor.cdf |
Auto Glass Center | US Auto Glass Center | ntautoglasscenter.cdf |
Auto Glass Specialists | US Auto Glass Speci | ntautoglassspecialists.cdf |
AutoBarn | US AutoBarn | ntautobarn.cdf |
AutoZone | US AutoZone | ntautozone.cdf |
AVIS | US AVIS | ntavis.cdf |
Batteries+Bulbs | US Batteries+Bulbs | ntbatteries+bulbs.cdf |
Belle Tire | US Belle Tire | ntbelletire.cdf |
BENTLEY | US BENTLEY | ntbentley.cdf |
BEST ONE TIRE & SERVICE | US BEST ONE TIRE | ntbest_one_tire&service.cdf |
Big 10 Tires | US Big 10 Tires | ntbig10tires.cdf |
Big O Tires | US Big O Tires | ntbigotires.cdf |
Binswanger Glass | US Binswanger Glass | ntbinswangerglass.cdf |
BMW | US BMW | ntbmw.cdf |
BMWi | US BMWi | ntbmwi.cdf |
BOSCH Car Service | US BOSCH Car Service | ntboschcarservice.cdf |
Brakes Plus | US Brakes Plus | ntbrakesplus.cdf |
Bridgestone | US Bridgestone | ntbridgestone.cdf |
Budget | US Budget | ntbudget.cdf |
BUICK | US BUICK | ntbuick.cdf |
Cadillac | US Cadillac | ntcadillac.cdf |
CAR WASH | US CAR WASH | ntcarwash.cdf |
Car X Auto Service | US Car X Auto Srv | ntcarxautoservice.cdf |
CarMax | US CarMax | ntcarmax.cdf |
CARQUEST | US Carquest | ntcarquest.cdf |
CHEVROLET | US CHEVROLET | ntchevrolet.cdf |
Christian Brothers Automotive | US Christian Br Auto | ntchristianbrothersautomotive.cdf |
CHRYSLER | US CHRYSLER | ntchrysler.cdf |
Cole Muffler | US Cole Muffler | ntcolemuffler.cdf |
Cottman Total Auto Care | US Cottman Tot Auto | ntcottmantotalautocare.cdf |
Diamond Auto Glass | US Diamond Auto Glas | ntdiamondautoglass.cdf |
Discount | US Discount Tire | ntdiscounttire.cdf |
DODGE | US DODGE | ntdodge.cdf |
Dollar Rent A Car | US Dollar Rent A Car | ntdollarrentacar.cdf |
Dollar Thrifty | US Dollar Thrifty | ntdollarthrifty.cdf |
Enterprise | US Enterprise | ntenterprise.cdf |
Exhaust Pros | US Exhaust Pros | ntexhaustpros.cdf |
Express Lube | US Express Lube | ntexpresslube.cdf |
Express Oil Change | US Express Oil Chnge | ntexpressoilchange.cdf |
EZ Lube | US EZ Lube | ntezlube.cdf |
Ferrari | US Ferrari | ntferrari.cdf |
FIAT | US FIAT | ntfiat.cdf |
Firestone | US Firestone | ntfirestone.cdf |
Ford | US Ford | ntford.cdf |
Ford Rent-A-Car | US Ford Rent-A-Car | ntfordrent-a-car.cdf |
Fox Rent A Car | US Fox Rent A Car | ntfoxrentacar.cdf |
GCR | US GCR | ntgcr.cdf |
Genesis | US Genesis | ntgenesis.cdf |
GMC | US GMC | ntgmc.cdf |
GOODYEAR | US Goodyear | ntgoodyear.cdf |
Harley-Davidson | US Harley-Davidson | ntharleydavidson.cdf |
Harmon AutoGlass | US Harmon AutoGlass | ntharmonautoglass.cdf |
Havoline xpress lube | US Havoline xpress | nthavolinexpresslube.cdf |
Hertz | US Hertz | nthertz.cdf |
Honda | US Honda | nthonda.cdf |
HYUNDAI | US HYUNDAI | nthyundai.cdf |
INFINITI | US INFINITI | ntinfiniti.cdf |
JAGUAR | US JAGUAR | ntjaguar.cdf |
Jeep | US Jeep | ntjeep.cdf |
Jiffy Lube | US Jiffy Lube | ntjiffylube.cdf |
Just Brakes | US Just Brakes | ntjustbrakes.cdf |
Just Tires | US Just Tires | ntjusttires.cdf |
KIA | US KIA | ntkia.cdf |
LAMBORGHINI | US LAMBORGHINI | ntlamborghini.cdf |
LAND ROVER | US LAND ROVER | ntland_rover.cdf |
Lentz USA Mufflers Brakes & Shocks | US Lentz USA Muffler | ntlentzusamufflersbrakes&shocks.cdf |
LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER | US Les Schwab Tire | ntlesschwabtirecenter.cdf |
LEXUS | US LEXUS | ntlexus.cdf |
Lincoln | US Lincoln | ntlincoln.cdf |
MAACO | US MAACO | ntmaaco.cdf |
Mack | US Mack | ntmack.cdf |
MASERATI | US MASERATI | ntmaserati.cdf |
Mavis Discount Tire | US Mavis Disc Tire | ntmavisdiscounttire.cdf |
Mazda | US Mazda | ntmazda.cdf |
Meineke Car Care Center | US Meineke Car Care | ntmeinekecarcarecenter.cdf |
Mercedes-Benz | US Mercedes-Benz | ntmercedes-benz.cdf |
Merchant's Tire & Auto | US Merchant's Tire | ntmerchantstire&auto.cdf |
Merlin | US Merlin | ntmerlin.cdf |
Midas | US Midas | ntmidas.cdf |
MINI | US MINI | ntmini.cdf |
MITSUBISHI | US MITSUBISHI | ntmitsubishi.cdf |
Monro Muffler Brake & Service | US Monro Muffler Brk | ntmonromufflerbrake&service.cdf |
Mr Muffler | US Mr Muffler | ntmrmuffler.cdf |
Mr Tire | US Mr Tire | ntmrtire.cdf |
Mr Transmission | US Mr Transmission | ntmrtransmission.cdf |
Napa Auto Parts | US Napa Auto Parts | ntnapaautoparts.cdf |
Napa Autocare Center | US Napa Autocare | ntnapaautocarecenter.cdf |
National | US National | ntnational.cdf |
National Car Rental | US National Car Rent | ntnationalcarrental.cdf |
National Tire & Battery | US National Tire Bat | ntnationaltire&battery.cdf |
NISSAN | US NISSAN | ntnissan.cdf |
Northwest Tire & Service | US Northwest Tire | ntnorthwesttire&service.cdf |
NOVUS Glass | US NOVUS Glass | ntnovusglass.cdf |
Oil Can Henry's | US Oil Can Henry's | ntoilcanhenrys.cdf |
O'Reilly Auto Parts | US OReilly Auto Part | ntoreillyautoparts.cdf |
Payless Car Rental | US Payless Car Rent | ntpaylesscarrental.cdf |
Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change | US Pennzoil 10m Oil | ntpennzoil10minuteoilchange.cdf |
Penske Auto Center | US Penske Auto Cntr | ntpenskeautocenter.cdf |
Penske Truck Rental | US Penske Truck | ntpensketruckrental.cdf |
Pep Boys | US Pep Boys | ntpepboys.cdf |
Pit Stop | US Pit Stop | ntpitstop.cdf |
PORSCHE | US PORSCHE | ntporsche.cdf |
Portland Glass | US Portland Glass | ntportlandglass.cdf |
Precision Automotive | US Precision Auto | ntprecisionautomotive.cdf |
Precision Tune Auto Care | US Precision Tune | ntprecisiontuneautocare.cdf |
Quick Lane | US Quick Lane | ntquicklane.cdf |
Quick Quack Car Wash | US Quick Quack Car W | ntquickquackcarwash.cdf |
RAM | US RAM | ntram.cdf |
Rent a Car | US Rent a Car | ntrentacar.cdf |
Rent-A-Wreck | US Rent-A-Wreck | ntrent-a-wreck.cdf |
ROLLS-ROYCE | US ROLLS-ROYCE | ntrolls-royce.cdf |
Safelite AutoGlass | US Safelite AutoGlss | ntsafeliteautoglass.cdf |
Schuck's Auto Supply | US Schuck's Auto Sup | ntschucksautosupply.cdf |
SIXT | US SIXT | ntsixt.cdf |
Speedy Auto Service | US Speedy Auto Servi | ntspeedyautoservice.cdf |
Speedy Glass | US Speedy Glass | ntspeedyglass.cdf |
STS Tire & Auto Centers | US STS Tire & Auto C | ntststire&autocenters.cdf |
SUBARU | US SUBARU | ntsubaru.cdf |
SUZUKI | US SUZUKI | ntsuzuki.cdf |
TDS | US TDS | nttds.cdf |
Thrifty | US Thrifty | ntthrifty.cdf |
Tire Kingdom | US Tire Kingdom | nttirekingdom.cdf |
Tire Pros | US Tire Pros | nttirepros.cdf |
Tire Rama | US Tire Rama | nttirerama.cdf |
Tires Plus | US Tires Plus | nttiresplus.cdf |
TOYOTA | US TOYOTA | nttoyota.cdf |
TOYOTA Rent-A-Car | US TOYOTA Rent-A-Car | nttoyotarent-a-car.cdf |
Tuffy | US Tuffy | nttuffy.cdf |
U Save Auto Rental | US U Save Auto Renta | ntusaveautorental.cdf |
Valvoline Instant Oil Change | US Valvoline Ins Oil | ntvalvolineinstantoilchange.cdf |
Volkswagen | US Volkswagen | ntvolkswagen.cdf |
VOLVO | US VOLVO | ntvolvo.cdf |
Wheel Works | US Wheel Works | ntwheelworks.cdf |
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