Mapping, GIS, & Transportation Software Solutions |
The following gas station and convenience store business location layers are available free to Maptitude users with the United States country package. Other country packages will have similar layers.
Business | Layer Name | File Name |
76 | US 76 | nt76.cdf |
7-Eleven | US 7-Eleven | nt7-eleven.cdf |
A-1 | US A-1 | nta-1.cdf |
ABC | US ABC | ntabc.cdf |
Admiral Petroleum | US Admiral Petroleum | ntadmiralpetroleum.cdf |
Allsup's | US Allsup's | ntallsups.cdf |
Aloha | US Aloha | ntaloha.cdf |
Alon | US Alon | ntalon.cdf |
AmeriStop | US AmeriStop | ntameristop.cdf |
ampm | US ampm | ntampm.cdf |
APlus | US APlus | ntaplus.cdf |
ARCO | US ARCO | ntarco.cdf |
Beacon | US Beacon | ntbeacon.cdf |
Best | US Best | ntbest.cdf |
bfs Foods | US bfs Foods | ntbfsfoods.cdf |
Big Apple | US Big Apple | ntbigapple.cdf |
BP | US BP | ntbp.cdf |
Bradley | US Bradley | ntbradley.cdf |
Break Time | US Break Time | ntbreaktime.cdf |
Casey's General Store | US Casey's Gen Store | ntcaseysgeneralstore.cdf |
CEFCO | US CEFCO | ntcefco.cdf |
Cenex | US Cenex | ntcenex.cdf |
Certified | US Certified | ntcertified.cdf |
Chevron | US Chevron | ntchevron.cdf |
Circle K | US Circle K | ntcirclek.cdf |
CITGO | US CITGO | ntcitgo.cdf |
City Market Fuel Center | US City Market Fuel | ntcitymarketfuelcenter.cdf |
Clark | US Clark | ntclark.cdf |
Classic | US Classic | ntclassic.cdf |
Conoco | US Conoco | ntconoco.cdf |
Co-Op | US Co-Op | ntco-op.cdf |
Corner Pantry | US Corner Pantry | ntcornerpantry.cdf |
Corner Stop | US Corner Stop | ntcornerstop.cdf |
Corner Store | US Corner Store | ntcornerstore.cdf |
Costco Gas | US Costco Gas | ntcostcogas.cdf |
Country Fair | US Country Fair | ntcountryfair.cdf |
Crown | US Crown | ntcrown.cdf |
Cumberland Farms | US Cumberland Farms | ntcumberlandfarms.cdf |
Dairy Mart | US Dairy Mart | ntdairymart.cdf |
Dandy Mini Mart | US Dandy Mini Mart | ntdandyminimart.cdf |
Depot | US Depot | ntdepot.cdf |
Dillons Fuel Center | US Dillons Fuel Ctr | ntdillonsfuelcenter.cdf |
enmarket | US enmarket | ntenmarket.cdf |
Esso | US Esso | ntesso.cdf |
Express | US Express | ntexpress.cdf |
Express Lane | US Express Lane | ntexpresslane.cdf |
Exxon | US Exxon | ntexxon.cdf |
E-Z Mart | US E-Z Mart | nte-zmart.cdf |
E-Z Shop | US E-Z Shop | nte-zshop.cdf |
E-Z Stop | US E-Z Stop | nte-zstop.cdf |
Family Express | US Family Express | ntfamilyexpress.cdf |
Fast Stop | US Fast Stop | ntfaststop.cdf |
Fastop | US Fastop | ntfastop.cdf |
Fastrip | US Fastrip | ntfastrip.cdf |
Fina | US Fina | ntfina.cdf |
Flash Foods | US Flash Foods | ntflashfoods.cdf |
Flying J | US Flying J | ntflyingj.cdf |
Food 4 Less Fuel Center | US Food 4 Less Fuel | ntfood4lessfuelcenter.cdf |
Food Mart | US Food Mart | ntfoodmart.cdf |
Fred Meyer Fuel Center | US Fred Meyer Fuel C | ntfredmeyerfuelcenter.cdf |
Freedom | US Freedom | ntfreedom.cdf |
Fry's Fuel Center | US Fry's Fuel Center | ntfrysfuelcenter.cdf |
Fry's Marketplace Fuel Center | US Fry's Mkt Fuel | ntfrysmarketplacefuelcenter.cdf |
Gas America | US Gas America | ntgasamerica.cdf |
Gas and Go | US Gas and Go | ntgasandgo.cdf |
Gas Mart | US Gas Mart | ntgasmart.cdf |
Gate | US Gate | ntgate.cdf |
GetGo | US GetGo | ntgetgo.cdf |
Getty | US Getty | ntgetty.cdf |
Giant | US Giant | ntgiant.cdf |
Giant Eagle | US Giant Eagle | ntgianteagle.cdf |
Giant Gasoline | US Giant Gasoline | ntgiantgasoline.cdf |
Git-N-Go | US Git-N-Go | ntgit-n-go.cdf |
gomart | US gomart | ntgomart.cdf |
Green Valley Grocery | US Green Valley Groc | ntgreenvalleygrocery.cdf |
Gulf | US Gulf | ntgulf.cdf |
Handy Mart | US Handy Mart | nthandymart.cdf |
Hess | US Hess | nthess.cdf |
Holiday Stationstores | US Holiday Stationst | ntholidaystationstores.cdf |
Honey Farms | US Honey Farms | nthoneyfarms.cdf |
Huck's Food Store | US Huck's Food Store | nthucksfoodstore.cdf |
Hy-Vee | US Hy-Vee | nthy-vee.cdf |
Ingles Gas Express | US Ingles Gas Expres | ntinglesgasexpress.cdf |
Irving | US Irving | ntirving.cdf |
Jacksons | US Jacksons | ntjacksons.cdf |
Jr Food Mart | US Jr Food Mart | ntjrfoodmart.cdf |
Jr Food Store | US Jr Food Store | ntjrfoodstore.cdf |
Kangaroo Express | US Kangaroo Express | ntkangarooexpress.cdf |
King Soopers Fuel Center | US King Soopers Fuel | ntkingsoopersfuelcenter.cdf |
Kroger Fuel Center | US Kroger Fuel Ctr | ntkrogerfuelcenter.cdf |
Kroger Marketplace Fuel Center | US Kroger Mkt Fuel | ntkrogermarketplacefuelcenter.cdf |
Kum & Go | US Kum & Go | ntkum&go.cdf |
Kwik Fill | US Kwik Fill | ntkwikfill.cdf |
Kwik Mart | US Kwik Mart | ntkwikmart.cdf |
Kwik Shop | US Kwik Shop | ntkwikshop.cdf |
Kwik Trip | US Kwik Trip | ntkwiktrip.cdf |
Liberty | US Liberty | ntliberty.cdf |
Li'l Cricket | US Li'l Cricket | ntlilcricket.cdf |
Little General | US Little General | ntlittlegeneral.cdf |
Loaf 'N Jug | US Loaf 'N Jug | ntloafnjug.cdf |
Love's Country Store | US Love's Country St | ntlovescountrystore.cdf |
Love's | US Love's Travel | ntlovestravelstop.cdf |
Lucky 7 | US Lucky 7 | ntlucky7.cdf |
LUKOIL | US LUKOIL | ntlukoil.cdf |
LUKOIL Shop | US LUKOIL Shop | ntlukoilshop.cdf |
MAPCO | US MAPCO | ntmapco.cdf |
Marathon | US Marathon | ntmarathon.cdf |
Martin Oil | US Martin Oil | ntmartinoil.cdf |
Martin's Gasoline | US Martin's Gasoline | ntmartinsgasoline.cdf |
Maverik | US Maverik | ntmaverik.cdf |
Maverik Market | US Maverik Market | ntmaverikmarket.cdf |
Meijer Gas Station | US Meijer Gas Sta | ntmeijergasstation.cdf |
Mini Mart | US Mini Mart | ntminimart.cdf |
Minit Mart | US Minit Mart | ntminitmart.cdf |
Mirabito | US Mirabito | ntmirabito.cdf |
Mobil | US Mobil | ntmobil.cdf |
Mobil Mart | US Mobil Mart | ntmobilmart.cdf |
Moto Mart | US Moto Mart | ntmotomart.cdf |
Murphy Express | US Murphy Express | ntmurphyexpress.cdf |
Murphy USA | US Murphy USA | ntmurphyusa.cdf |
Next Door Store | US Next Door Store | ntnextdoorstore.cdf |
Nice N Easy | US Nice N Easy | ntniceneasy.cdf |
NOCO | US NOCO | ntnoco.cdf |
OK | US OK | ntok.cdf |
On Cue Express | US On Cue Express | ntoncueexpress.cdf |
On the Run | US On the Run | ntontherun.cdf |
One Stop | US One Stop | ntonestop.cdf |
Pacific Pride | US Pacific Pride | ntpacificpride.cdf |
Pak-A-Sak | US Pak-A-Sak | ntpak-a-sak.cdf |
PDQ | US PDQ | ntpdq.cdf |
Pemex | US Pemex | ntpemex.cdf |
Petro Express | US Petro Express | ntpetroexpress.cdf |
Petro Mart | US Petro Mart | ntpetromart.cdf |
Petro Stopping Centers | US Petro Stopping | ntpetrostoppingcenters.cdf |
PETROL | US PETROL | ntpetrol.cdf |
Phillips 66 | US Phillips 66 | ntphillips66.cdf |
Pilot | US Pilot | ntpilot.cdf |
Plaid Pantry | US Plaid Pantry | ntplaidpantry.cdf |
POWER | US POWER | ntpower.cdf |
Pride | US Pride | ntpride.cdf |
PUMA Energy | US PUMA Energy | ntpumaenergy.cdf |
Pump & Pantry | US Pump & Pantry | ntpump&pantry.cdf |
Pump N Pantry | US Pump N Pantry | ntpumpnpantry.cdf |
PURE | US PURE | ntpure.cdf |
Quarles | US Quarles | ntquarles.cdf |
Quick Chek | US Quick Chek | ntquickchek.cdf |
Quick Fuel | US Quick Fuel | ntquickfuel.cdf |
Quick Shop | US Quick Shop | ntquickshop.cdf |
Quick Stop | US Quick Stop | ntquickstop.cdf |
Quickway | US Quickway | ntquickway.cdf |
Quik Stop | US Quik Stop | ntquikstop.cdf |
QuikTrip | US QuikTrip | ntquiktrip.cdf |
RaceTrac | US RaceTrac | ntracetrac.cdf |
Raceway | US Raceway | ntraceway.cdf |
Rebel | US Rebel | ntrebel.cdf |
Restore | US Restore | ntrestore.cdf |
Rhodes 101 Stop | US Rhodes 101 Stop | ntrhodes101stop.cdf |
Road Ranger | US Road Ranger | ntroadranger.cdf |
Roadrunner Markets | US Roadrunner Market | ntroadrunnermarkets.cdf |
Rotten Robbie | US Rotten Robbie | ntrottenrobbie.cdf |
ROYAL FARMS | US ROYAL FARMS | ntroyal_farms.cdf |
Save | US Save | ntsave.cdf |
Scotchman | US Scotchman | ntscotchman.cdf |
Sheetz | US Sheetz | ntsheetz.cdf |
Shell | US Shell | ntshell.cdf |
Shop & Go | US Shop & Go | ntshop&go.cdf |
Shop-N-Go | US Shop-N-Go | ntshop-n-go.cdf |
Sinclair | US Sinclair | ntsinclair.cdf |
Smith's Fuel Center | US Smith's Fuel Cent | ntsmithsfuelcenter.cdf |
Speedway | US Speedway | ntspeedway.cdf |
Spinx | US Spinx | ntspinx.cdf |
Spur | US Spur | ntspur.cdf |
Star Mart | US Star Mart | ntstarmart.cdf |
Stewart's | US Stewart's | ntstewarts.cdf |
Stewart's Shops | US Stewart's Shops | ntstewartsshops.cdf |
Stinker | US Stinker | ntstinker.cdf |
Stop-N-Go | US Stop-N-Go | ntstop-n-go.cdf |
Stop-N-Save | US Stop-N-Save | ntstop-n-save.cdf |
Stripes | US Stripes | ntstripes.cdf |
Sunoco | US Sunoco | ntsunoco.cdf |
Sunrise | US Sunrise | ntsunrise.cdf |
Super Save | US Super Save | ntsupersave.cdf |
Superstop | US Superstop | ntsuperstop.cdf |
Swifty | US Swifty | ntswifty.cdf |
Tesla | US Tesla | nttesla.cdf |
Tesoro | US Tesoro | nttesoro.cdf |
TEXACO | US TEXACO | nttexaco.cdf |
The Store | US The Store | ntthestore.cdf |
Thornton Oil | US Thornton Oil | ntthorntonoil.cdf |
Tiger Mart | US Tiger Mart | nttigermart.cdf |
Timewise | US Timewise | nttimewise.cdf |
Tom Thumb | US Tom Thumb | nttomthumb.cdf |
Toot'n Totum | US Toot'n Totum | nttootntotum.cdf |
TOTAL | US TOTAL | nttotal.cdf |
Town & Country | US Town & Country | nttown&country.cdf |
Town Pump | US Town Pump | nttownpump.cdf |
TravelCenters of America | US TravelCenters | nttravelcenters.cdf |
Turkey Hill | US Turkey Hill | ntturkeyhill.cdf |
Uni-Mart | US Uni-Mart | ntuni-mart.cdf |
UNITED | US UNITED | ntunited.cdf |
United Oil | US United Oil | ntunitedoil.cdf |
United Dairy Farmers | US Untd Dairy Farmer | ntuniteddairyfarmers.cdf |
U-Pump-It | US U-Pump-It | ntu-pump-it.cdf |
USA Petroleum | US USA Petroleum | ntusapetroleum.cdf |
Valero | US Valero | ntvalero.cdf |
Valero Corner Store | US Valero Corner St | ntvalerocornerstore.cdf |
Village Pantry | US Village Pantry | ntvillagepantry.cdf |
Walmart Fuel | US Walmart Fuel | ntwalmartfuel.cdf |
Wawa | US Wawa | ntwawa.cdf |
Wesco | US Wesco | ntwesco.cdf |
Xtra Mart | US Xtra Mart | ntxtramart.cdf |
Young's | US Young's | ntyoungs.cdf |
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