Business Locations by Name: Gas Station and Convenience Store

Maptitude gas and convenience layers

The following gas station and convenience store business location layers are available free to Maptitude users with the United States country package. Other country packages will have similar layers.

Business Layer Name File Name
76 US 76 nt76.cdf
7-Eleven US 7-Eleven nt7-eleven.cdf
A-1 US A-1 nta-1.cdf
ABC US ABC ntabc.cdf
Admiral Petroleum US Admiral Petroleum ntadmiralpetroleum.cdf
Allsup's US Allsup's ntallsups.cdf
Aloha US Aloha ntaloha.cdf
Alon US Alon ntalon.cdf
AmeriStop US AmeriStop ntameristop.cdf
ampm US ampm ntampm.cdf
APlus US APlus ntaplus.cdf
ARCO US ARCO ntarco.cdf
Beacon US Beacon ntbeacon.cdf
Best US Best ntbest.cdf
bfs Foods US bfs Foods ntbfsfoods.cdf
Big Apple US Big Apple ntbigapple.cdf
BP US BP ntbp.cdf
Bradley US Bradley ntbradley.cdf
Break Time US Break Time ntbreaktime.cdf
Casey's General Store US Casey's Gen Store ntcaseysgeneralstore.cdf
CEFCO US CEFCO ntcefco.cdf
Cenex US Cenex ntcenex.cdf
Certified US Certified ntcertified.cdf
Chevron US Chevron ntchevron.cdf
Circle K US Circle K ntcirclek.cdf
CITGO US CITGO ntcitgo.cdf
City Market Fuel Center US City Market Fuel ntcitymarketfuelcenter.cdf
Clark US Clark ntclark.cdf
Classic US Classic ntclassic.cdf
Conoco US Conoco ntconoco.cdf
Co-Op US Co-Op ntco-op.cdf
Corner Pantry US Corner Pantry ntcornerpantry.cdf
Corner Stop US Corner Stop ntcornerstop.cdf
Corner Store US Corner Store ntcornerstore.cdf
Costco Gas US Costco Gas ntcostcogas.cdf
Country Fair US Country Fair ntcountryfair.cdf
Crown US Crown ntcrown.cdf
Cumberland Farms US Cumberland Farms ntcumberlandfarms.cdf
Dairy Mart US Dairy Mart ntdairymart.cdf
Dandy Mini Mart US Dandy Mini Mart ntdandyminimart.cdf
Depot US Depot ntdepot.cdf
Dillons Fuel Center US Dillons Fuel Ctr ntdillonsfuelcenter.cdf
enmarket US enmarket ntenmarket.cdf
Esso US Esso ntesso.cdf
Express US Express ntexpress.cdf
Express Lane US Express Lane ntexpresslane.cdf
Exxon US Exxon ntexxon.cdf
E-Z Mart US E-Z Mart nte-zmart.cdf
E-Z Shop US E-Z Shop nte-zshop.cdf
E-Z Stop US E-Z Stop nte-zstop.cdf
Family Express US Family Express ntfamilyexpress.cdf
Fast Stop US Fast Stop ntfaststop.cdf
Fastop US Fastop ntfastop.cdf
Fastrip US Fastrip ntfastrip.cdf
Fina US Fina ntfina.cdf
Flash Foods US Flash Foods ntflashfoods.cdf
Flying J US Flying J ntflyingj.cdf
Food 4 Less Fuel Center US Food 4 Less Fuel ntfood4lessfuelcenter.cdf
Food Mart US Food Mart ntfoodmart.cdf
Fred Meyer Fuel Center US Fred Meyer Fuel C ntfredmeyerfuelcenter.cdf
Freedom US Freedom ntfreedom.cdf
Fry's Fuel Center US Fry's Fuel Center ntfrysfuelcenter.cdf
Fry's Marketplace Fuel Center US Fry's Mkt Fuel ntfrysmarketplacefuelcenter.cdf
Gas America US Gas America ntgasamerica.cdf
Gas and Go US Gas and Go ntgasandgo.cdf
Gas Mart US Gas Mart ntgasmart.cdf
Gate US Gate ntgate.cdf
GetGo US GetGo ntgetgo.cdf
Getty US Getty ntgetty.cdf
Giant US Giant ntgiant.cdf
Giant Eagle US Giant Eagle ntgianteagle.cdf
Giant Gasoline US Giant Gasoline ntgiantgasoline.cdf
Git-N-Go US Git-N-Go ntgit-n-go.cdf
gomart US gomart ntgomart.cdf
Green Valley Grocery US Green Valley Groc ntgreenvalleygrocery.cdf
Gulf US Gulf ntgulf.cdf
Handy Mart US Handy Mart nthandymart.cdf
Hess US Hess nthess.cdf
Holiday Stationstores US Holiday Stationst ntholidaystationstores.cdf
Honey Farms US Honey Farms nthoneyfarms.cdf
Huck's Food Store US Huck's Food Store nthucksfoodstore.cdf
Hy-Vee US Hy-Vee nthy-vee.cdf
Ingles Gas Express US Ingles Gas Expres ntinglesgasexpress.cdf
Irving US Irving ntirving.cdf
Jacksons US Jacksons ntjacksons.cdf
Jr Food Mart US Jr Food Mart ntjrfoodmart.cdf
Jr Food Store US Jr Food Store ntjrfoodstore.cdf
Kangaroo Express US Kangaroo Express ntkangarooexpress.cdf
King Soopers Fuel Center US King Soopers Fuel ntkingsoopersfuelcenter.cdf
Kroger Fuel Center US Kroger Fuel Ctr ntkrogerfuelcenter.cdf
Kroger Marketplace Fuel Center US Kroger Mkt Fuel ntkrogermarketplacefuelcenter.cdf
Kum & Go US Kum & Go ntkum&go.cdf
Kwik Fill US Kwik Fill ntkwikfill.cdf
Kwik Mart US Kwik Mart ntkwikmart.cdf
Kwik Shop US Kwik Shop ntkwikshop.cdf
Kwik Trip US Kwik Trip ntkwiktrip.cdf
Liberty US Liberty ntliberty.cdf
Li'l Cricket US Li'l Cricket ntlilcricket.cdf
Little General US Little General ntlittlegeneral.cdf
Loaf 'N Jug US Loaf 'N Jug ntloafnjug.cdf
Love's Country Store US Love's Country St ntlovescountrystore.cdf
Love's US Love's Travel ntlovestravelstop.cdf
Lucky 7 US Lucky 7 ntlucky7.cdf
LUKOIL US LUKOIL ntlukoil.cdf
LUKOIL Shop US LUKOIL Shop ntlukoilshop.cdf
MAPCO US MAPCO ntmapco.cdf
Marathon US Marathon ntmarathon.cdf
Martin Oil US Martin Oil ntmartinoil.cdf
Martin's Gasoline US Martin's Gasoline ntmartinsgasoline.cdf
Maverik US Maverik ntmaverik.cdf
Maverik Market US Maverik Market ntmaverikmarket.cdf
Meijer Gas Station US Meijer Gas Sta ntmeijergasstation.cdf
Mini Mart US Mini Mart ntminimart.cdf
Minit Mart US Minit Mart ntminitmart.cdf
Mirabito US Mirabito ntmirabito.cdf
Mobil US Mobil ntmobil.cdf
Mobil Mart US Mobil Mart ntmobilmart.cdf
Moto Mart US Moto Mart ntmotomart.cdf
Murphy Express US Murphy Express ntmurphyexpress.cdf
Murphy USA US Murphy USA ntmurphyusa.cdf
Next Door Store US Next Door Store ntnextdoorstore.cdf
Nice N Easy US Nice N Easy ntniceneasy.cdf
NOCO US NOCO ntnoco.cdf
OK US OK ntok.cdf
On Cue Express US On Cue Express ntoncueexpress.cdf
On the Run US On the Run ntontherun.cdf
One Stop US One Stop ntonestop.cdf
Pacific Pride US Pacific Pride ntpacificpride.cdf
Pak-A-Sak US Pak-A-Sak ntpak-a-sak.cdf
PDQ US PDQ ntpdq.cdf
Pemex US Pemex ntpemex.cdf
Petro Express US Petro Express ntpetroexpress.cdf
Petro Mart US Petro Mart ntpetromart.cdf
Petro Stopping Centers US Petro Stopping ntpetrostoppingcenters.cdf
PETROL US PETROL ntpetrol.cdf
Phillips 66 US Phillips 66 ntphillips66.cdf
Pilot US Pilot ntpilot.cdf
Plaid Pantry US Plaid Pantry ntplaidpantry.cdf
POWER US POWER ntpower.cdf
Pride US Pride ntpride.cdf
PUMA Energy US PUMA Energy ntpumaenergy.cdf
Pump & Pantry US Pump & Pantry ntpump&pantry.cdf
Pump N Pantry US Pump N Pantry ntpumpnpantry.cdf
PURE US PURE ntpure.cdf
Quarles US Quarles ntquarles.cdf
Quick Chek US Quick Chek ntquickchek.cdf
Quick Fuel US Quick Fuel ntquickfuel.cdf
Quick Shop US Quick Shop ntquickshop.cdf
Quick Stop US Quick Stop ntquickstop.cdf
Quickway US Quickway ntquickway.cdf
Quik Stop US Quik Stop ntquikstop.cdf
QuikTrip US QuikTrip ntquiktrip.cdf
RaceTrac US RaceTrac ntracetrac.cdf
Raceway US Raceway ntraceway.cdf
Rebel US Rebel ntrebel.cdf
Restore US Restore ntrestore.cdf
Rhodes 101 Stop US Rhodes 101 Stop ntrhodes101stop.cdf
Road Ranger US Road Ranger ntroadranger.cdf
Roadrunner Markets US Roadrunner Market ntroadrunnermarkets.cdf
Rotten Robbie US Rotten Robbie ntrottenrobbie.cdf
ROYAL FARMS US ROYAL FARMS ntroyal_farms.cdf
Save US Save ntsave.cdf
Scotchman US Scotchman ntscotchman.cdf
Sheetz US Sheetz ntsheetz.cdf
Shell US Shell ntshell.cdf
Shop & Go US Shop & Go ntshop&go.cdf
Shop-N-Go US Shop-N-Go ntshop-n-go.cdf
Sinclair US Sinclair ntsinclair.cdf
Smith's Fuel Center US Smith's Fuel Cent ntsmithsfuelcenter.cdf
Speedway US Speedway ntspeedway.cdf
Spinx US Spinx ntspinx.cdf
Spur US Spur ntspur.cdf
Star Mart US Star Mart ntstarmart.cdf
Stewart's US Stewart's ntstewarts.cdf
Stewart's Shops US Stewart's Shops ntstewartsshops.cdf
Stinker US Stinker ntstinker.cdf
Stop-N-Go US Stop-N-Go ntstop-n-go.cdf
Stop-N-Save US Stop-N-Save ntstop-n-save.cdf
Stripes US Stripes ntstripes.cdf
Sunoco US Sunoco ntsunoco.cdf
Sunrise US Sunrise ntsunrise.cdf
Super Save US Super Save ntsupersave.cdf
Superstop US Superstop ntsuperstop.cdf
Swifty US Swifty ntswifty.cdf
Tesla US Tesla nttesla.cdf
Tesoro US Tesoro nttesoro.cdf
TEXACO US TEXACO nttexaco.cdf
The Store US The Store ntthestore.cdf
Thornton Oil US Thornton Oil ntthorntonoil.cdf
Tiger Mart US Tiger Mart nttigermart.cdf
Timewise US Timewise nttimewise.cdf
Tom Thumb US Tom Thumb nttomthumb.cdf
Toot'n Totum US Toot'n Totum nttootntotum.cdf
TOTAL US TOTAL nttotal.cdf
Town & Country US Town & Country nttown&country.cdf
Town Pump US Town Pump nttownpump.cdf
TravelCenters of America US TravelCenters nttravelcenters.cdf
Turkey Hill US Turkey Hill ntturkeyhill.cdf
Uni-Mart US Uni-Mart ntuni-mart.cdf
UNITED US UNITED ntunited.cdf
United Oil US United Oil ntunitedoil.cdf
United Dairy Farmers US Untd Dairy Farmer ntuniteddairyfarmers.cdf
U-Pump-It US U-Pump-It ntu-pump-it.cdf
USA Petroleum US USA Petroleum ntusapetroleum.cdf
Valero US Valero ntvalero.cdf
Valero Corner Store US Valero Corner St ntvalerocornerstore.cdf
Village Pantry US Village Pantry ntvillagepantry.cdf
Walmart Fuel US Walmart Fuel ntwalmartfuel.cdf
Wawa US Wawa ntwawa.cdf
Wesco US Wesco ntwesco.cdf
Xtra Mart US Xtra Mart ntxtramart.cdf
Young's US Young's ntyoungs.cdf
Find Us 1172 Beacon St., Suite 300
Newton MA 02461 USA

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