Business Locations by Name: Office and Shipping

Maptitude hotel layers

The following office and shipping business location layers are available free to Maptitude users with the United States country package. Other country packages will have similar layers.

Business Layer Name File Name
DHL US DHL ntdhl.cdf
FedEx US FedEx ntfedex.cdf
FedEx Office US FedEx Office ntfedexoffice.cdf
Kwik Kopy US Kwik Kopy ntkwikkopy.cdf
Minuteman Press US Minuteman Press ntminutemanpress.cdf
Office Depot US Office Depot ntofficedepot.cdf
Officeworks US Officeworks ntofficeworks.cdf
POSTAL ANNEX+ US POSTAL ANNEX+ ntpostal_annex.cdf
POSTNET US POSTNET ntpostnet.cdf
Staples US Staples ntstaples.cdf
UPS Store US UPS Store ntupsstore.cdf
USPS Collection Box US USPS Mailbox ntuspsmailbox.cdf
USPS US USPS Post Office ntusps.cdf
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