This resource file demonstrates how to import all the Shapefiles in a
directory where all such files have a common coordinate system (in this case
the common coordinate system is the British National Grid). The macro
illustrates how to:
- Import all of the Shapefiles in a folder
- Import all of the Shapefiles in a folder specifying their
coordinate system
- Error handling
- Use of the functions ChooseDirectory() and ImportArcViewShape()
- Download the file
GISDK_Batch Import
BNG and extract the file BATCH IMPORT BNG
SHAPEFILES.RSC. A good place to save the resource file is in the
GISDK\Samples folder in the Maptitude program folder.
- Choose Tools-GIS Developer's Kit-GISDK Toolbar
to open the GISDK toolbar.
- Compile this macro in test mode using the Compile button (first
- Run this macro by clicking the Test button (second button), typing
the dialog box name (Batch Import BNG Shapefiles), clicking the Macro
radio button, and clicking OK.
- The INPATH is a folder containing Shapefiles in the BNG
- The OUTPATH is the folder where you want the new .DBD files to be