The Click Coordinate tool provides you with a tool to obtain the XY coordinates from a clicked point on a map. With the Click Coordinate XY Add-In, you can easily capture the XY coordinates of any point on your map. This can be useful for various purposes, such as recording specific locations or performing spatial analysis

Click Coordinate Toolbar  

The toolbar enables the user to interact with a map, retrieve coordinates, convert between different coordinate formats, and manage the What3Words service.

  1. Get a coordinate from a user click on the map
  2. Get longitude and latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds
  3. Format strings to show those values

You can modify the strings to display in other formats, and the user can copy and paste the strings when DMS versions of coordinates are needed.

To Install:*

  1. Download the file click-coord-dms-add-in.exe.
  2. Double-click the executable to launch the installation.
  3. Confirm that you’d like to allow the installer to make changes to your PC and follow the instructions in the installation wizard.
  4. Once installed, the add-in can be launched by opening a Maptitude map and choosing Tools>GIS Developer's Kit>Add-Ins>Click Coordinate DMS.

*NOTE: The Click Coordinate add-in works only with latest version of Maptitude.

To Obtain Coordinates:

  1. Open a map containing the geographic features from which you want to obtain the coordinates.
  2. Choose Tools>GIS Developer's Kit>Add-Ins>Click Coordinate DMS to open the Click XY toolbar.
    The toolbar provides the following functionality to the end-user:
  3. Button to see XY location – This tool allows the user to click on the map and retrieve the XY coordinates of the clicked location.
  4. Button to recenter map – This button centers the map on the XY coordinates and adds a drawing symbol at that location.
  5. Button to convert DMS to lon/lat – This button converts the user-entered Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (DMS) coordinates to decimal degrees longitude and latitude.
  6. Copy button – This button copies the coordinates (Degrees, Decimal Degrees, DMS, Local Coordinate, and What3Words) to the clipboard for further use.
  7. Setup What3Words API – This button allows the user to set up the API key for the What3Words service.
  8. Edit Text fields: These editable text fields allow the user to enter longitude and latitude coordinates in various formats, including Degrees, Decimal Degrees, and DMS.
  9. What3Words: This section allows the user to enter What3Words location information and retrieve the corresponding longitude and latitude coordinates. This can be in English or other languages. For example, "pest.ended.hours" (English) or "naranjo.ingreso.generar" (Spanish).

NOTE: You can also geocode a list of what3words phrases using Tools > Locate > Locate by Web Service. The field/column in your table can contain a mix of English or other languages. For example, "pest.ended.hours" (English) or "naranjo.ingreso.generar" (Spanish).

Try it Yourself: Obtaining XY Coordinates

  1. From the Home Window, choose New Map of the United States, choose a location, and click Finish.
  2. Choose Tools>GIS Developer's Kit>Add-Ins>Click Coordinate DMS.
  3. Click Button to see XY location.
  4. Click anywhere on map to obtain the XY coordinates. The XY coordinates will be displayed in the toolbar. You can copy and paste these values as needed.
  5. To obtain coordinates for additional cities, repeat steps 4.
  6. When finished, close the toolbar.


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