Maptitude Mapping Software Newsletter
April 2014 Newsletter
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Upgrade to Maptitude 2014 for US$395: Last Chance!

For a short time we are extending our US$395 reduced upgrade pricing for Maptitude 6.0 licenses (also available for Maptitude 2012 and 2013), including the USA, Brazil, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada Maptitude editions. This deal saves you US$300!

Act Now to Upgrade MaptitudeIf you don't know your version or have an older license of Maptitude, contact us to check on your eligibility for upgrade pricing!

Also, each US order will include a free US ZIP Code update: a US$250 value! The combination of the offer and free data saves you US$550!

Maptitude 2014 is a major new release. Stop using outdated information and get the most detailed and accurate data and demographics ever included. 

For pricing and ordering information please visit the Mapping Software Storee-mail Maptitude Sales, or call U.S. Sales at +1 617-527-4700. 

Limited Offer: Valid until June 30, 2014. Valid for Maptitude 6.0 or later. Restrictions Apply.

You need the newest maps, the latest
demographics, and the fastest, most
intuitive Maptitude!
Buy Maptitude mapping softwareBuy Maptitude mapping software


Featured Maptitude Maps:
Per Household Disposable Income (By U.S. State)

This map, made with Maptitude 2014, showcases per household disposable income by US state. This statistic describes the amount of money remaining after the payment of taxes. Being able to identify those areas with money to spend is a powerful marketing tool with implications for customer identification and revenue generation. In the Maptitude USA Country Package these data are available down to the Census Tract and ZIP Code level.  

Maptitude Featured Map of Mean Disposable Income by State

"Maptitude 2014 includes Census, ACS, and FFIEC income data that saves us many hours of searching, selecting, downloading, sorting and combining data."

Mike Meuser, Owner, MapCruzin

Maptitude and Income: Where are the spenders?

Affluent consumers are prized marketing prospects. Accordingly, marketers from retail to restaurants to financial services fiercely compete for these consumers.

Maps help you visualize the demographic and geographic attributes that can be used to analyze these populations, enabling a deeper understanding of where they live and how they can be reached.

Maptitude 2014 allows you to map variation in wealth and related statistics such as median or mean income, population by income bracket by race, disposable income by gender, education, and home value. These figures can also be compared to population density, age distribution, family size, and more.

The Maptitude 2014 USA Country Package includes extensive demographics including projections for 2015 and 2020 (more...). Upgrade to Maptitude 2014 now to access the latest income information.

More Featured Maps...

If you would like to see your maps showcased here, or are interested in custom map making services and software please contact Caliper.


Focus on Maptitude:
3-D Mapping Software


Maptitude is designed to meet the specific challenges and requirements of organizations that map, design, plan, build, and operate our global infrastructure.

Maptitude costs only US$695 and is packaged as a one-stop-solution, shipping with all the tools required to allow infrastructure professionals (analysts, surveyors, architects, planners, civil engineers, geoscientists and designers) to model 3D data.

3D Map of Job Concentration in Dallas CountyMaptitude 3D Map of Durango, Colorado

With Maptitude, you can:

Use your 2D GIS datasets to create and manipulate 3D views

"Exaggerate" the vertical differences in elevation and models

Create, utilize, analyze, visualize, manage, and edit 2D/3D spatial data with GIS and CAD Tools

Share 3D flythrough videos

View and manipulate aerial/satellite image layers

Perform reprojections and coordinate/projection/datum transformations, and manipulate geometries

Create reports and publish high-resolution maps as graphics or as large-scale prints

Work with parcel and cadastral layers

3D Views can be comprised of: 

Surface layers that are based on a map or aerial/satellite image draped over a 3D surface

Grid layers such as a Digital Elevation Model (DEM)

Extruded building footprints, which are a simple way to represent buildings as 3D blocks

Models such as vehicles, people, vegetation, buildings, bridges, and any other structure

What Others Have to Say:
5 starsDr. Aniruddha Banerjee
IUPUI; UC Berkeley

"The new Maptitude 2014 GIS provides a sophisticated 3-D reality that looks professional as well as providing viewers with artistic and precise 3-D maps."

Free Mapping Resources:

Free Beta Analysis Tools!

This month's free resource is a collection of powerful mapping tools. These five new add-ins are in beta and support:

Nearest locations calculations

• Optimal site locations

• Flow diagrams 

• Selection set exports

Batch output of map images 

Site Location Addin Tool

» Free Mapping Software Tools

» More Free Mapping Software Resources... 

Maptitude 2014 Training:
Limited Availability

Maptitude Mapping Software Training DatesNew topics cover Maptitude 2014! Advance registration for the instructor-led training courses is required. Upcoming classes:

Oct. 20-22: Boston MA

Space is limited, so register online as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please call Maptitude Training (USA) at +1 617-527-4700, or send an e-mail to

Maptitude International News:
Canada, Brazil, & Mexico 2014 Country Packages Released

Caliper is excited to announce the 2014 Country Packages for Canada, Brazil, and Mexico! The products include a wealth of data and functionality not available in any other software. Both the Canada and Brazil Packages now include full postcode visualization and pin-mapping (geocoding)! The Canada Package includes over 900 demographics fields for 2011, including earnings and income data.

The data include up-to-date postal layers and street layers with address data for geocoding and travel time calculations. Also included are updated building footprints for many urban locations, railroads, and comprehensive named landmarks that range from public facilities to commercial buildings including shops, restaurants, and retail stores.
Vancouver Map from Canada 2014 Country Package

Did You Know?
Creating Formula Fields Without Opening a Dataview

Formula fields in Maptitude support calculations that derive their value from other fields, expressions, or values. Formulas can help you automatically calculate the value of a field based on other fields. These can include sales penetration rates, for example, using your data plus the Maptitude demographics. Maptitude Mapping Software Did You Know

Maptitude makes it easy to create a formula field even if the working window is not a Dataview. You simply choose Dataview-Formula Fields and create your new calculation. Formulas can contain field names, arithmetic-, relational-, and logical- operators, plus many different types of numeric and string functions.

Maptitude News and Press:

• 2014 Block Groups Released! 

WBAI-FM, Martin Winston, 9th April 2014 

Detroit Area CRA Small Business Lending

More Maptitude News...

Maptitude Solutions:

Banking GIS

Business Mapping

Census Data Mapping

Community Development

Election Management

Enterprise GIS

Franchise Mapping

GIS Software

GPS Mapping

Insurance Mapping

Law Enforcement GIS

Location Intelligence

Marketing & Sales Mapping Software

Public Health Mapping

Real Estate Mapping


Route Planning & Deliveries

Satellite & Aerial Imagery

Street Mapping

Territory Mapping

Web Mapping

World Mapping


Tech Tip:
Create Custom Fields Such As Per Household Disposable Income Using Formula Fields

Maptitude implements a professional-strength relational database, a feature critical for GIS software. Attribute data may be freely joined to and detached from geographic layers and tables. Relational data manipulation is integrated with robust and powerful geoprocessing for spatial queries, polygon overlay, and other location-based analyses. This is supported seamlessly so that data are moved easily to and from relational tables and geographic databases. In addition, the Maptitude fixed-format binary table supports 32,767 fields and 1 billion records, and has unlimited character field widths. Table field tools include the ability to hide, show, filter, lock, format, multi-field sort, create live expression/formula fields, and perform multi-cell fills.    

Maptitude includes extensive demographics. These data, such as Caliper's proprietary purchasing power estimates, are among the most accurate available from any source and are significantly more reliable than U.S. Census data. Formula fields allow you to analyze the included data and to integrate it with your own information.     

Formula dialog box with Mean Buying Power formulaThe following steps illustrate how to create and map a per household disposable income field on the U.S. County layer:

  1. Choose File-New and use Create-a-Map Wizard to create a general purpose map for a state of interest.

  2. If the County layer is not visible, use the Display Manager to make it visible and make it the working layer.

  3. Choose Map-Color Theme or click Color Theme MapWizard Button.

  4. Choose Formula... from the bottom of the Field drop-down list.

  5. Using the Formula Builder drop-down lists, create the formula [10 Buying Power] / [2010_Households].

  6. In the Formula Fields drop-down, type Mean HH Buying Power.

  7. Click OK to close Formula dialog box and click OK again in the Color Theme dialog box. Maptitude creates a theme of the mean household buying power by county.

To insert your results into a presentation you can choose File-Save As to export your map for use outside of Maptitude.

International Mapping

Maptitude International Mapping Software


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Previous Issue (March 2014)