anyLogistix™ Alternative

Maptitude optimization mapping software include tools for solving all types of network optimization applications such as:

  • Pickup and delivery operations
  • Facility network optimization
  • Door-to-door delivery or pickup
  • Street sweeping or snow removal
  • Solid waste or recyclables collection
  • Meter reading
  • Flow mapping
Vehicle Routing with Maptitude

Maptitude vehicle routing tools

Other tools included with Maptitude logistics software have broad applications in transportation and marketing. Clustering routines assemble customers, facilities, or areas into groups that are compact and can be serviced efficiently. Districting models group Census areas, ZIP Codes, counties, or other regions into territories that are compact and balanced. Location models evaluate the costs and benefits of any number of proposed facility locations. These models can be used for:

  • Territory and service network alignment
  • Sales and marketing management
  • Field sales force deployment
  • Retail or commercial site location
  • Warehouse location and distribution network planning
  • Public safety facility location (police, fire)
Maptitude anyLogistix alternative

Maptitude anyLogistix alternative for logistics mapping

Maptitude anyLogistix replacement

Facility location tools in Maptitude anyLogistix replacement

Please contact for more information on our logistics mapping software.

Paul Lucassen

“Maptitude adds features and enhanced capabilities, that make it a continued pleasure to work with. Even after years of use I come across new options that allow for quality analysis. Frequently now, I apply the facility location tool, which offers outstanding opportunities to relocate warehouses or stores. Used creatively, for instance in Service Logistics engineer allocation projects, finding the right location for a pudo or dropbox location is a breeze with this tool. Multiple scenarios can be calculated and analysed, and the results integrated in Excel- or Power BI models. Maptitude continues to deliver complemented with outstanding support and training.”

Paul Lucassen
The Hague, Netherlands
Kirsten Tisdale

“Maptitude is excellent for doing geographic analysis projects looking at: where existing customers are and new ones might be (including using the built-in demographic data); identifying hot-spots, patterns and trends that can't be seen in Excel. It is really helpful with network design tasks - which sites are best: centers of gravity; visualizing size of flows between distribution centers; allocating volume to different depots.”

Kirsten Tisdale
Director/Logistics Consultant, Aricia Limited
Banbury, United Kingdom

Solving a Facility Location Problem with Maptitude

There's no better mapping software at any price. Why spend more for less?


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