The flagship Esri mapping product, BusinessMap™, has been discontinued. BusinessMap provided outdated Census data. Don't use old data for new location-based decisions. Upgrade to Maptitude to use the latest features and data. Maptitude includes the latest annual updates to nationwide demographics from the U.S. Census and American Community Survey (ACS). There are many benefits when you use Maptitude as an alternative to BusinessMap:
The Maptitude alternative to BusinessMap includes street-level data for a country of your choice, as well as many analysis tools including density heat maps, drive-time rings, territories, and more.
√ Maptitude is the easiest-to-use full featured mapping software, and includes powerful tools such as multi-ring drive-time zones
√ Maptitude has no subscription fees, and supports secure off-line data storage
√ Maptitude provides fully customizable maps with unlimited point icons
√ Maptitude has unlimited pin-mapping/geocoding
√ Maptitude includes free mapping data and demographics covering everything from population statistics to business locations, postal/ZIP Codes, and more!
“But BusinessMap can only pinpoint an address on a map down to the ZIP code level, because the product does not include detailed street information. A better value for those who need to map addresses from databases is software called Maptitude, from Caliper Corp., in Newton, Mass. Although Maptitude lists for a higher price the product includes more features and data than other products and is arguably the least expensive serious mapping tool available to Windows users.”
Brian Livingstone, InfoWorld
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