Software C2Logix Replacement

Alternative to C2RouteApp and FleetRoute

The Maptitude vehicle routing software defines ideal travel and delivery schedules, measures the distances between destinations, and provides driving directions. These route optimization tools make Maptitude an ideal alternative to C2RouteApp® and FleetRoute™.

Maptitude lets you organize large numbers of customers into different groups automatically. Within each of these clusters, you can then route vehicles for deliveries and pickups. 

To different people the right route will mean different things. The optimal path is often the one that is the fastest, while some choose the path that is the shortest in terms of mileage, or a journey that maximizes the usage of non-toll roads, or avoids urban areas.

  • A salesperson may decide to set up an itinerary with less travel time and more customer time
  • A pharmaceutical business that routes chemicals may choose to use roads to avoid places where many people live or work

Maptitude can satisfy all these demands and uses a detailed and up-to-date road database.

Vehicle fleet routing in Maptitude C2Logix FleetRoute replacement

Vehicle routing with time windows, vehicle constraints, multiple depots, route length constraints, and mixed pickup and delivery are all possible with Maptitude alternative to FleetRoute

Optimize delivery routes based on distance and time with Maptitude C2Logix RouteApp replacement

Optimize routes based on time or distance with Maptitude alternative to C2RouteApp

Optimize delivery routes that service a number of locations with Maptitude C2Logix replacement

Optimize delivery routes with Maptitude C2Logix alternative

 Start Mapping Now 

David Wuenschell

“Best Mapping software available. Exceeded our expectations. Provides clear maps with plenty of customization to tailor our maps to fit our clients' needs. Excellent drive-time mapping and very simple customer database plotting. Light years better than our previous mapping software.”

David Wuenschell
Director Of Analytics, Tribal Knowledge Marketing
Chicago, Illinois

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