CensusViewer Alternative

Maptitude desktop is only $695 annually and includes all the USA data or Canada data you will need to perform site and market analysis. There is also an amazing amount of free premium data for the USA and Canada.

Maptitude has made it possible to navigate a wealth of data from the US Census since 1995. Census demographics can be visualized easily using a suite of wizard-driven tools. A map library that includes various pre-designed maps provides easy access to population, sales, and housing data thematic charts. You can open one or more of these maps for a designated location with the Map Librarian, helping you to easily examine the U.S. Data from the Census for your area of concern.

Maptitude has a comprehensive market and demographic data catalogue that helps you to evaluate and identify the right prospects for your venture. 

Map populaton data with Maptitude CensusViewer replacement

Map population data with Maptitude CensusViewer replacement

Income by ZIP Code map created with Maptitude CensusViewer alternative

Map income data with Maptitude CensusViewer alternative

Maptitude alternative to CensusViewer map of asset data with color and chart themes showing person-level assets

Map asset data with Maptitude CensusViewer alternative

Household expenditure map created with Maptitude CensusViewer alternative

Maptitude includes expenditure data making it an ideal alternative to CensusViewer

Case Study:

 How the United States Census Bureau Relied on Maptitude for the 2010 Census and for Tabulating Census Transportation Data
The Census Bureau chose Maptitude to be the basis of its MAF/TIGER Partnership Software. Over 40,000 state, local, and tribal governments had access to this software, to make updates that were essential for the success of the 2010 decennial population Census.

 Start Mapping Now 

Colleen Boyle “Maptitude is an incredibly powerful program for a very competitive price. The integration of census data and the ease of using your own data make an incredibly useful program. They are continually adding new and free data points to the included data. If you need to visualize data on a map this is the program to get.”

Colleen Boyle
LABORERS International of North America

Mike Meuser “Maptitude includes Census, ACS, and FFIEC income data that saves us many hours of searching, selecting, downloading, sorting and combining data.”

Mike Meuser
MapCruzin, Redding CA


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